Chapter 14

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•Savannah's POV•

Three months have past since I left the boys on tour. My belly has grown so much; I feel like a cow! Luke says that I don't, but it's just eh. Quinn flew out a few days ago to help me pack to come back to Australia. I've missed my mum so much, and I can't wait to go back and have my child be born in the same place I did.

I zipped up my final suitcase, which included all of the things I would need for my little girl when she decides to come into this world.

"Quinn! I just finished! You wanna go grab something to eat before we catch our flight?" I yelled out my bedroom door.

"Savannah. I'm literally right next door to you. But yeah, we can if you want. I'm starting to get kinda hungry." Quinn said, grabbing her wallet and phone.

We got into my car and drove to the nearest Maccas, or as the Americans call it, McDonalds. I know their food is horrible for you, but it's so good. I've been craving it so much lately.

Thank god my mum is paying for my house until I get things stabilized and get a good job, because I would not be okay financially right now if she hadn't. I'm so glad to have a parent who loves me enough to want to provide me with such things, when I really don't deserve them. I really owe her.

Quinn and I were eating our food in the car, since we really didn't have time to eat inside. I started driving off to the airport, remembering that I would have to get one of my neighbors to drive the car back to my house later once everything was situated, I mean I already gave them a spare set of my car keys, and I trust they won't do anything with it since they're in their fifties and they already have a way nicer car than me.

"WATCH OUT!" I heard Quinn scream before the car slammed into something, and everything went black.

•Luke's POV•

We were in our dressing getting ready for rehearsals. Calum was playing on his phone. Mike and Ashton were making keeks. And I was fixing my hair. I felt a buzz in my pocket. I pulled out my phone. The caller ID read that my mum was calling.

"Hey mum what's-" before I could finish I was cut off.

"Luke. Savannah was in a car crash. They're stabilizing her in Florida, and delivering the baby as soon as possible. I'm not sure when I can get there, so please by there with until I come." She sobbed into the phone.

"What?!" I yelled, tears brimming my eyes, threatening to fall any second now.

"Luke, just go! She needs you!"

"Okay. Bye mum."

My eyes were now spilling tears down my cheeks.

"Mate, what's wrong?" Ashton asked me.

"I gotta go guys. Cancel the show. Savannah's in the hospital. I have to be with her." I said, standing up and running out of the stadium.

"Luke Robert Hemmings! Wait!" I heard Calum yell.

I stopped and turned around.

"I'm coming with you." He stated. I simply nodded and hailed a taxi.

•Savannah's POV•

The darkness started to fade. My eyes fluttered open. My vision blurred.

"Shit." I hissed under my under my breath.

I had a painful sting coming from my stomach. My vision had finally became clear. I looked down to see my stomach had shrunk, a lot. Oh my god. Did I lose her? This is all my fault! I lost my little girl!

"Savannah?" I heard a familiar voice.

I looked over to see a very puffy-eyed, tired-looking Calum. He immediately got up and hugged me.

"Hi Cal." I said, weakly.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He whispered.

"Tell you what?" I asked as he pulled away from the embrace. His face showed emotions that I could only describe as hurt, and jealousy.

"That you were pregnant!" He said, raising his voice slightly. I flinched at his tone. His face softened once he realized it.

"I didn't want anyone to know really. I'm sorry." I said, looking down.

"I'm sorry too. I understand." He spoke softly, grabbing my hand.

"Where is she?" I asked, looking around the room, eyeing the small incubator on the other side of the room.

"Don't worry, they're just bathing her. They said they'll be back any minute now. I'm gonna go tell the nurse you're awake, okay?" He replied.

I nodded and stared at the wall. I'm not sure why but I just did. The nurse walked in, followed by a relieved Calum, and an anxious Luke. I smiled once I saw him. He ran over to me and hugged me so tightly. I could feel him sob into my gown.

"I thought I lost you, Sav." He mumbled between hiccups.

"You'll never lose me, Luke." I said, feeling the tears form in my eyes.

"She looks just like you. She's perfect." He said, looking into my eyes and smiling.

The nurse was fumbling with all the different tubes connected to my IV, and then adjusting the wires that hooked up to the machine that kept track of my heart rate.

"The doctor should be in with your little girl any minute. Have you decided on a name?" The nurse asked.

"Yes. Her name is Willow Anne." I paused, wondering if I should say her last name as mine, or as Calum's. Well better late than never to tell him. Here goes nothing.

"Last name, Miss Hemmings?"


Ahhhhhhhh! She finally had her little girl. Willow. I love that name so much. But Savannah got into a car accident on the way to the airport to see her mom with Quinn. And for those of you who don't know, Quinn is fine. Just a few scratches. She'll come, don't worry.

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