Chapter 27

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•Calum's POV•
A sweep of nostalgia wiped over me as we pulled into the driveway of my childhood home. I eagerly grabbed my things and ran into the house, winding down the hallways and going into my room. It was just as I had left it before tour. It felt like years since I've been in here, and yet it's only been a few months.

Lots of things have changed since then. I'm the dad of a beautiful little girl now. And I'll be a husband in just a few days. And I'm marrying the most beautiful, wonderful woman I'll ever know in my entire life.

Damn. Where the hell does time go? I can still remember the first time is boys made our first video cover all together for YouTube. Those were the days, but like I said before, things have changed.

I jumped and landed face first into my bed. I forgot how comfy this was. I groaned in delight and snuggled my face deeper into my pillow, taking in the familiar scent through my nose and out through my mouth.

"Cal?" Savannah laughed.

I rolled over to look at her with a goofy grin, which only made her laugh more. I patted the spot next to me, and she laid down, cuddling into my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her closer to me.

"Mum's got the baby?" I asked.

"Mhm." She mumbled, her voice muffled by my shirt.

"So that means we have time to ourselves right?" I continued.

"Yeah." She picked her head up to look at me.

"Well then, let's go somewhere. Let's have a nice lunch together and let our mums take care of Willow." I suggested.

She looked at me with concern now washing over her beautiful face.

"Come on, love. We haven't done anything alone together since the day I proposed." I begged, a pout forming on my lips.

She smiled and playfully rolled her eyes at my childish behavior, nodding her head.

"Get dressed. We're leaving in a half hour." I said, getting up and walking downstairs to tell my mum that we were leaving.

I walked into the living room where everyone seemed to be considering the amount of noise that was coming from it. My mum and dad were sitting on the couch, along with Savannah's mum. Luke and Ben were on the floor playing peek-a-boo with Willow. I slightly chuckled and walked over to my mum.

"Me and Savannah are leaving soon. I'm taking her out for dinner. Would you guys mind watching Willow?" I asked.

"Of course not dear! Go and have a nice night with Savannah." My mum responded. I looked to Savannah's mum for approval.

"Sweetie, If you think I have a problem with you taking your almost wife out for dinner then you're wrong. Go have fun." Her mum said and I smiled, walking back upstairs to my room.

Savannah was dressed in a beautiful dress I had gotten her a month or so ago. I found it absolutely gorgeous and sexy on her. (A\N Savannah's dress up top 😊) She gave me a strange look, and I realized that I had been staring at her the entire time.

"Sorry love. You just look so gorgeous." I said, wrapping my arms around her waist as she stood up.

Her cheeks tinted to a light pink color and she tried to cover her face in my chest.

"Cal. Stop it." She groaned.

"Don't hide, Savannah. I can't help you're beautiful." I replied truthfully.

Savannah slowly lifted her head from my chest. I pulled her chin up and connected my lips to hers, closing the space between us. Her arms made their way around my neck and I licked her bottom lip, my tongue making its way into her mouth. We pulled away and at that moment, I wanted nothing more than to just hold her in my arms and never let go.

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