Chapter 28 (Part 2)

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•Savannah's POV•


My eyes shot open. We were still in the limo, in fact it had just stopped at the venue. It was only a dream. Thank the fucking lord! I almost died. I carefully got into the house, making sure no one saw me. I turned around to Luke and Ben.

"Can you guys keep an eye on Cal for me? Just make sure he's okay?" I asked, looking to both of them.

They nodded hesitantly, looking at me with confusion.

"I had a bad dream in the car and I just don't want it to happen again." I confessed.

Both of their faces softened and they piled me in one final hug, softly trying not to screw my figure up in any way. Then they left and made their way down to all our family and friends that were invited.

I texted Quinn and she said she was in the a limo with my mum and Joy. I asked how Willow was doing, and she replied saying that she was absolutely loving all of it.

I walked down through a a few long hallways to a window that overlooked the venue. The curtain was shut, thank god. No one's supposed to see me until I walk down the isle later.

I peeked through to find Luke talking to Cal, thank goodness. I let out a long breath that I hadn't realized I was holding in.

"Look, Willow. There mama!" Quinn cooed, walking over to me with my daughter.

I brought her up to my face and kissed her all over as she giggled. I laughed and held her normally. I looked up to see Quinn with a tear falling down her cheek.

"Don't cry, babe! It's okay." I said, pulling her into a side hug so I wouldn't crush Willow.

"I just can't believe you're getting married Savannah! I mean I'm not gonna see you that often after the honeymoon with the boys going back on tour in a few months, I know you're going to be going with them and I just don't want to lose you!" Quinn cried, making sure not to get anything on my dress.

"You know that's not true, Quinn. You'll always be my best friend, and I will always make time for you. Even if it's not as often as we usually have, I'll still make sure we have our girls nights and spa days. I promise." I said, rubbing her shoulder lightly.

"Thank you. I love you mate." She replied.

By now I was on the merge of tears.

"I love you too mate, always." I said, hugging her one last time.

"It's going to start soon. I'm taking little missy here outside. Ben will be in in a few. Good luck!" Quinn exclaimed, taking Willow and leaving.

I sucked in a few long, shaky breaths before wiggling my hands to relieve some of my stress. I focused on my breathing as I a knot began to form in my stomach. This is really happening! I can't believe it. My thoughts ran short.

"You ready, beautiful." Ben asked, holding his arm out for me.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I whispered, linking arms with my wonderful brother.

The music began to play and Ben led me out of the house and down the flower petal path that had been laid out. I couldn't stop myself from smiling now, no matter how nervous or anxious I was. I looked up from my feet and my breath hitched as I saw my soon to be husband, standing, waiting for me to make it all the way down this isle.

My smile quickly waxed and his did too. I glanced around to see all of the people who showed up today, and I'm grateful for their appearance. We reached the end of the isle, and Ben handed me to Calum. He kissed my forehead and nodded to Calum before standing next to Luke with the rest of the groomsmen behind Calum: Mike, Ash, Luke, then Ben.

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