Chapter 40

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Luke's POV
Goddammit, Calum!

Why did he have to go and ruin things for himself and potentially hurt my sister on top of it. Savannah unfortunately won't have a confused look on her face for very long once she sees what her so called husband has done.

I warned him that this was going to bite him in the ass one day but he never fucking listened. I can't wait to kick his ass, and by all means will I enjoy it so much.

"Luke, please slow down. I'd rather not risk my child getting hurt in the back seat of my car."

I realized I was going almost 80, which was way over the speed limit.

I released the gas a bit but not by a lot since we were practically there anyway.

I pulled roughly in the driveway, and got out quickly before slamming the door shut behind me. I glanced up to see an extra car that didn't belong to Quinn or Calum. Something definitely isn't right, just as I had suspected.

"Come on Savannah!" I called out to my sister as I stormed up to the house.

Her small feet padded quickly behind me with Willow in her arms; the same confused look still plastered on her face.

"Luke look at me," she spoke, as I began to pace in front of Savannah's best mate's house. I turned around quickly to face her.

"What? Is there something on my face?" I asked, as she tried to read my emotions.

"You know something that I don't."

"Damn, I didn't know that being pregnant gave you psychic abilities," I joked before knocking on the door again.

She grunted in annoyance and crossed her arms over her chest and stared at the door as I did. Finally after several more moments and a collection of mumbled curse words, the front door opened to reveal a very tired looking Quinn.

"Hey, are you okay? Is Calum here by any chance?" Savannah bombarded, taking a step up onto the porch with a hand on her belly to balance herself.

"You tracked his goddamn phone, didn't you Savannah?" Quinn asked, getting frustrated with my sister.

"Calum has nothing to hide, so why would that be a problem?" I interrupted, a smug smirk on my face.

"This has nothing to do with you Luke, so I suggest you shut the hell up before I do it for you!" Quinn growled at me, making me chuckle.

"Wait, so you're saying something is going on? What the hell am I missing here?" Savannah asked, getting even more confused and annoyed with this whole situation.

"Nothing Savannah! You shouldn't even be here! You're supposed to be at home, enjoying the time you have while your father is actually home!" Quinn griped quite loudly.

"Glad to know i'm not welcome. Now move, unless you have something you'd like to confess," Savannah snapped, angry tears forming in her eyes.

I hope she kicks Calum's ass before I do because if I get to him first, things won't be very pretty. That's a damn promise. Quinn glared at her best friend before slowly stepping aside, right after Savannah practically pushed her over to get through. After a few moments, shouts were heard and an angry and emotional Savannah came storming out with a guilty looking Calum following hot on her trail. God I hope she divorces him after this one.


Savannah's POV

I pushed Quinn to the side and ran into the house to where I heard the most commotion, which happened to land me in the living room. I cannot believe how horrible she treated me a minute ago outside, and how dare she bring up my father like that. It's like I don't even know her anymore. 

I peeked through the crack in the door to see a woman sitting on the couch next to none other than my husband, who had a fairly young baby in his arms. What the hell is going on?

"Don't worry Ella, daddy's here," he spoke, cradling the small child in his arms.

Did I just hear him correctly? Did he just say that he was that child's father! I opened the door further, but just enough to catch his attention. As soon as he realized who he was looking at, pure terror and guilt formed in those brown eyes I thought I could trust. He quickly handed the child back to who I would assume was his mother and got off of Quinn's couch.

I took this as the incentive to break free from the hold that floor seemed to have on my feet and dashed back to the door, making my way quickly out of the house. How could he cheat on me like our whole relationship was nothing? How could he do something like this after all the hell he put me through? I couldn't hold back the tears forming in my eyes any longer as I rushed to the car.

"Let's go Luke!" I croaked, watching as my brother buckled my daughter in her carseat and hopped into the driver's side.

There he stood, sulking on the porch like he was the one who had just got stabbed in the heart and not me. There stood my so called best friend beside him with her hand on his shoulder, almost persuading him to not run after me; as if his little whore inside needed him more than his wife who just found out he cheated on her.

"I'm sorry Savannah." 

"Why would you of all people be sorry right now?" I asked through my cries.

He gave me no response as he kept his eyes on the road, biting down extra hard on his lip.

"You knew, didn't you Luke?" I managed to get out, getting angrier every second I though about what had just happened.

"You were so happy Savannah. I couldn't take that away from you again. I couldn't allow myself to see you so upset again, I just couldn't." He cares, but that's not the point i'm getting at.

"So you thought keeping secrets and lying would be the solution to keeping me happy?" I was practically yelling at this point, but can you really blame me?

"I thought I was protecting you, Savannah. I can't stand to see you like this, dammit!" He yelled, slamming his head on the steering wheel in frustration.

You mustn't worry, we were already parked in the driveway of my parents' house when he did so. Without thinking, I got out of the car and retrieved my daughter carefully from the backseat before fleeing into the house and straight into my room. I grabbed a suitcase and began packing a shit ton of clothes for both Willow and I as well as in the diaper bag. I packed everything from diapers to formula, wipes and bottles, blankets and pacifiers; everything that I needed to get away for awhile with my child.

Luke was standing at the threshold of my room by the time I was finished, a look of overall numbness spread across his face.

"I called Ashton. He said you can stay at his place for as long as you want," he spoke almost too softly for me to hear.

"Thank you Luke. I don't know how long I will be gone but don't tell Calum where i'm going. I'll explain everything to mom and dad later," I replied, readjusting Willow on my hip.

"I owe it to you, Satan."

"I'm going to miss you, Lucifer." Here come even more tears.

"Take care of yourself and my niece," he whispered as he pulled me into his arms.

"God, this feels like you leaving for tour all over again," I cried out, making him laugh lightly.

He eventually let go and grabbed the bags for me before carrying them down the stairs and outside to my car.

I can't believe how quickly this day just turned itself to shit.



Hey guys! Here's another update. I made this one longer than the last because it will be the last chapter i'm writing before the epilogue so I hope you like it. I've spent over a year writing this book and it has been quite a long and eventful rollercoaster for me. I really hope you guys have liked this story as much as I have because it means a lot to me as my first ever 'published' story.



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