Chapter 10

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•Savannah's POV•
I sat up in my bunk, feeling the urge to puke. I ran to the bathroom, emptying my stomach. I suddenly felt someone holding my hair and rubbing my back.

I cautiously stood up, flushing the toilet. I turned to find Calum with a concerned look on his face. I wasn't phased at all because I'm used to this, which only seemed to make him even more worried seeing that I didn't seem sick. I washed my hands and wiped my mouth. Ugh. I hate that taste I get whenever I get morning sickness. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water, leaving a shocked Calum standing in the bathroom. I chugged the water, be ridding the dreadful flavor from my mouth. Eventually Calum emerged from the bathroom, along with Luke, who had just woken up.

I plopped myself on the couch and texted Luke, explaining what just happened so I could get some help here. He just gave me a sympathetic smile and shrugged. Then he texted back.

L- It's up to you on what to do there. Either make something up or tell him.
S- You're no help.
L- whatevs
S- fine I'll talk to him but I'm not telling. So can I have his number I'm too lazy to get up.
L- lazy ass. Here. *picture message*
S- Thanks bro.
L- yeah yeah.

I smile locking my phone. Calum was still staring at me.

"Who were texting?" he asked.

"Quinn." I lied. He nodded. I felt more puke coming up in my throat, so I rushed into the bathroom again. Calum held my hair back again and Luke stood at the door with almost the same worried look as Calum. I shrugged at them both and grabbed some new clothes to change in since I was still in my pajamas.

I took a quick shower and then changed into my outfit. I walked out of the bathroom to see Calum pacing and biting his lip, Luke playing on his phone, Ashton sprawled out on the couch eating donuts, and Michael just now walking out from his bunk, yawning.

"Morning." I said, smiling.

"Hey Sav." Mike said passing me and going for the kitchen.

"Hi." Ashton mumbled, smiling with his mouth full of white powdered donuts. I giggled a little and went to sit down next to him. He sat up and made room for me.

I looked up to see Calum staring at me, but he averted his eyes quickly once he realized I was looking. I sighed.

S- What's wrong?
C- nothing's wrong with me. how bout you? what was up with you?
S- just a stomach bug I'm fine don't worry.
C- whatever you say Sav.
S- yeah yeah Cal.

I locked my phone and stole one of Ashton's donuts, running back to my bunk.

"Hey!" I heard him grunt, which made me laugh even more than before.

I turned on my side to see Luke up on his buncck. He's across from me at the top.

"Luke!" I whisper yelled.

"What?" He said.


He turned over and looked at me with the 'really?' Look. I just smiled and he chuckled turning back over.

"You okay?"

"Huh?" I mumbled.

"Are. You. Okay?"

"Yeah I guess. I mean it was kind of weird having Cal right there and knowing that it's his." I said, sighing a bit.

"I heard my name!" Calum says, climbing into his bunk, which is right across from mine.

"I was just saying how I thought it was nice that you held my hair back while I puked this morning." I said looking back and forth from Luke to Calum. Luke nodded and put his earbuds in. I rolled my eyes and looked back to Calum

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