Chapter 18

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•Savannah's POV•

I woke up with a very familiar grip around my waist. I smiled to myself. Revenge is so very sweet. I began to leave small kisses on his jaw and ear. He immediately shot up from his sleep, looking at me with pure shock.

"Pay back's a bitch." I whispered in his ear, standing up and walking to the bathroom. I heard him chuckle a bit as I left with a confident smirk spread across my face. Damn that felt good.

I started the shower since I hadn't had one since the day before Willow was born. I hummed a song to myself. I played some music softly on my phone so I wouldn't wake the baby or Luke to be honest. She's Kinda Hot came on and I started to sing along.

"My girlfriends bitchin' cause I always sleep in

She's always screamin when she's callin her friends

She's kinda hot though

Yeah she's kinda hot though

Just an itty bitty little bit hot."

"I didn't know you could sing so well." I heard Calum say as he walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind him, making sure it was locked.

"Jesus Christ. Calum Thomas Hood! You scared the living shit out of me!" I squealed, peaking my head out of the shower curtain.

"Sorry I really had to pee and you were taking too long." He replied.

"You realize there's more than one bathroom in this house right?" I asked.

"Yeah, I just didn't feel like walking all the way downstairs, especially if Willow woke up. I wouldn't want Luke to have to calm her down instead of one of us." He said, honesty spread across his face.

"Luke doesn't mind getting her, and I really appreciate both of your efforts. It's nice to know I have other people who'll look after her when I can't."

"It's not like you're going to die Savannah. And I'm her father, of course I'm going to be there every single second possible. And I'll always be there for you too, I hope you know that." Cal said, looking over to me.

"That's sweet Calum, it really is. I'm so glad the way things turned out with this. I was so scared that you wouldn't want her or to be a part of her life, and that was another thing that stopped me from telling you. And I'm sorry." I replied, looking down at my feet.

"I get it Sav. It's fine. Could you please hurry up cause I wanna take a shower too." I smirked.

"Then why don't you come join me?" I suggested, the sky smirk still present.

"R-really?" Calum asked, his Adam's apple heaving as he gulped. I bit my lip and nodded, disappearing behind the curtain once more.

I'm not sure where this confident sexual side of me came from, but I'm not exactly sure whether I like it just yet. Calum carefully stepped inside staring at every inch of me, as I was doing the same to him. Never mind, I love this side of me. I took a step closer to him.

"Hey." I said, wrapping my arms around his waist, since I was just a bit too short to reach his neck.

"Hi." He chuckled, wrapping his arms around me, holding me close to his chest.

"I love you, Cal." I mumbled, letting the warm water run over our bodies.

"I love you more, babe. So much more." Calum replied.

My heart leaped in my chest. Babe. Agh! Was he trying to give me a heart attack?! I looked up into his eyes, and he leaned into me. I followed his actions, our lips crashing with such hunger and passion I can't even begin to explain. I fought his tongue for dominance, but he won, smirking into the kiss. I pulled away to catch my breath. He instructed me to jump, and I did. He grabbed my bum and I wrapped my legs around his waist, bringing my hands up to his neck.

"You're so beautiful Savannah. I'm so sorry for ever making you feel any different than that." Calum said, setting me down gently. He grabbed my arm, and kissed every single one of my scars, then did the same to the other arm.

"Calum we should probably get out before Luke notices that we've both escaped to the same bathroom." I stated, pecking his lips and stepping out of the shower, allowing him to finish while I went to get dressed.

"Dress in something nice. I'm taking you out later." Calum stated, sticking his head out of the shower curtain like I had done earlier. I smiled and nodded, running back to my room.

Oh my god! What do I wear? A dress? Skirt?? Ugh. Wait! UGGS. Leggings, Uggs, and a dress shirt. Damn I'm good. I pulled my hair into a neat bun, and put my usual mascara and eyeliner on. Then I changed into my clothes and walked into Willow's room, seeing as she had woken up, like I had suspected. I pulled her from her crib and walked back to my room, only to find Calum only in his boxers.

"Hello my two beautiful girls!" Calum cheered, kissing me, along with Willow's cheek.

"Is Willow coming with us?" I asked, cradling our daughter.

"No, actually. I got Luke to babysit for the day." My heart dropped. Willow and Luke, alone for a few hours. I trust Luke, I just don't want to leave my baby.

"Okay." I breathed out. Cal seemed to notice me stressing.

"Don't fret it, love. Plus you need to go outside." He replied, hugging my waist. I smiled as he nuzzled his chin in the side of my neck.

"Thanks, Cal. Didn't know I was so antisocial and opposed to the world." I said sarcastically, with a huge smirk across my lips.

He chuckled lightly, pressing a few kisses along my neck. I turned my head to meet his lips, and gave him a quick peck. Calum released me and held his arms out. I handed Willow over to him. He walked out of our room and walked downstairs.

I decided to wake Luke up. I walked into his room, only to find him cuddling his stuffed penguin.

"Luke. Calum and I are going out, and he said you'd watch her for us. We're about to leave. Can you please get up and watch your niece?" I said, shaking my older brother, trying to wake him up.

"I'm coming. I'm coming." He mumbled, sitting up in his bed, rubbing his tired looking eyes.

I gave him a kiss on his cheek and made my way down the stairs. Cal had given Willow her morning bottle. Luke followed pretty far behind me. Then Calum handed Willow to Luke and walked over to me. He intertwined our fingers as I smiled at how happy Calum seemed to be taking me on a date.

"Luke. Call us if anything happens. Be safe. I love you. Take care of our kid. And have fun. We should be back soon." I said, pulling him in a side hug before saying goodbye.

Calum leaded the way out of the door to my car. I threw him the keys which I had grabbed before we left and hopped in the passenger seat.

"Where are we going?" I asked as he closed his door once he got inside the car.

"It's not far from here. And it's a surprise." He smirked, averting his attention to the road.

I huffed in frustration. I hate surprises. But he doesn't know that so I guess I'll just be nice for once. I mean, where could he be taking me anyways?

Hey peeps. Wow I'm lame. But that's okay lol 😂. Hope you liked this chapter and of did, like it up, and all the existing chapters before this one! I'm try and update again soon.


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