Chapter Twenty Four

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Chapter Twenty Four

The rest of that week had been fine. I was actually enjoying being lazy. The guys were all so sweet and got me whatever I wanted.

The second week went by super slow. I was basically alone in my room because Butch was always asleep (he worked nights), Adam was in school, I never seen Chase hanging around the house anymore, and Noah was at work until 4. Sean and I's relationship was never really the same after what happened. We were cordial now but it never exceeded that.

I wondered why he seemed so angry when I announced my pregnancy almost three weeks ago. He stormed off and he hadn't spoken a word to me ever since that day.

Over these past few weeks, my baby bump had grown. It was now noticeable. Before being put on bed rest, I just looked bloated. Now I looked pregnant, if that makes any sense. I felt like a stuffed pig.

"You ready for tomorrow?" Butch asked as I stood at my closet, looking for something to wear to work.

"No. I think I'm gonna quit."

"Oh come on, Jas. It's not that bad."

"It's easy for you to say. You're not the one who has to go."

"Jasmine, you sit at a desk all day. And I'm sure Will will be more than happy to cut you a break because of your condition."

"He doesn't know yet."

"You didn't tell him? I thought you were gonna text him?"

"I did. But I may have forgotten to tell him."

"How could you forget to tell him something so serious?"

"I was scared."

"So what did you tell him?"

"That I needed space."

"Well good luck with tomorrow. I can't help you." he said rubbing my belly and leaving my room. I gave up on looking for something to wear and went to bed. I'd been super tired and extremely overcome by morning sickness but I had to go back to work. I needed the money, especially if I was ending things with Will. Tomorrow would be the start of it all. Hopefully once I saw him, I'd be able to contain the anger I felt inside.

The next morning, I was awaken by the oh so familiar feeling of vomit rising up my throat. I pulled my bucket from the side of my bed and let it out. Once I was done, I emptied out the bucket, took a shower and got ready for work. I pulled out a blue fitted dress that went down to my knees and had a slit in the back. It was office wear. I pulled out a black blazer and a pair of black heels. I pulled my hair up into a ponytail and grabbed up a bag.

"Morning." I said to Adam and my brother.

"Jas, can you come to my school?" Adam asked almost desperately.

"Now? Where's Butch?"

"He didn't come home yet. But its at 3."

"Yeah I'll go. You need a ride there?" I asked as he shook his head. "Sure? Okay, I'll see you at 3." I said kissing him on the cheek and walking out the house with my brother.

"You're acting like a mom already."

"Shut up Noah. Hey, how do I look?" I asked turning as he got in his car.


"Screw you." I said laughing and getting in my car.

I stepped off the elevator and nodded to the office staff, instead of saying hi back. My first stop was Sammie's desk.

"Surprise!" I said putting my bag in front of my stomach. She immediately hung up from her phone call.

"No. I'm mad at you."

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