Chapter 43

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Justin's P.O.V.

Today is officially my last day of high school. Thank God. I don't know how much more of this place I can take.

I walk into school and instantly spot Nate. I haven't talked to him since last weekend at Prom.

"Hey"I walk over to him. "Your back"He says and pulls me in for a brotherly hug. "I didn't think you were coming today"He tells me.

"Why not?"I ask him. "Because of Ariana"He states the obvious.

"Have you seen her? Did she come to school today?"I ask him. "Yea, I saw her earlier this morning. She came to school yesterday too"He tells me.

"How does she look? Does she look depressed and sad?"I ask, hoping she hasn't gone back to that lonely state of mind she was in after her parents died.

"Actually she seems pretty fine if you ask me. Right now, your the one who looks a mess"He points at me and I roll my eyes.

"I had a pretty bad day yesterday. I barely got any sleep last night"I say. I couldn't sleep at all last night, my father being the cause of that. Him entering my life again kept me awake all night.

"You don't look as bad as Mark though. You messed him up pretty bad on Tuesday"He tells me.

"He deserved to get his ass beat. He ruined my relationship with Ariana"I say and we both begin to head to first period.

"The fight with Mark and your breakup with Ariana has been the top gossip all week"Nate tells me.

"Don't people have better things to do with their lives than talk about mine?"I scoff and Nate chuckles.

"What are you gonna do about Ariana?"He asks me. "I'm gonna keep trying to get her to talk to me. I'm not giving her up so easily. I'm gonna fight for her whether she likes it or not"I say.

We both enter first period and all heads turn my way as I walk in.

I don't pay attention to anyone else as my eyes lock on Ariana. Her eyes look at me for a half second before she swiftly looks away.

The late bell rings and Nate taps me to take a seat next to him. Mrs. Briar starts class and begins to speak.

"Good morning Seniors, today is your last day of school!"Mrs. Briar squeals and chatter erupts throughout the whole classroom.

I look back and stare at Ariana again. She keeps her head down and her eyes away from mine.

"I know you all are excited to finally graduate and leave high school. We really are gonna miss you here. And since it's your last day, I want every single one of you to share one thing, with the class, that your gonna miss here at BHS"Mrs. Briar says and picks on a student to share first.

Mrs. Briar goes all around the classroom and picks on students to share what they are gonna miss here at Bakersfield High.

I don't pay attention to anyone as they share. My mind stays occupied on how I'm gonna talk to Ariana today, alone.

I hear Mrs. Briar call on Ariana to share. I turn around to look at her as she speaks to the whole class.

"What's one thing your gonna miss here at Bakersfield?"Mrs. Briar asks her.

"Can I tell you something I'm not gonna miss?"Ariana asks. "I guess that okay"Mrs. Briar looks at her with a confused look.

"I'm not gonna miss the lies"Ariana says and looks directly at me. "I'm especially not gonna miss the ONES who lie"She emphasizes on ones.

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