Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Ariana's P.O.V.

Mrs. Briar walks up and down the aisles of desks as she passes out our math test for us to see our final grades. We had taken the test yesterday and I'm really hoping I did well. I couldn't focus at all because Justin kept distracting me, making funny faces here and there.

He now sits in front of me, and I can see the worry in his eyes. I can tell that he thinks he did bad. He has to at least gotten a C on that test, no less. We studied really hard Monday night, and it would really suck if all his hard work, didn't pay off.

The teacher finally reaches my desk and places my test right in front of me. B plus, I smile, proud of myself. It would have made me happier if I got an A. I'm a straight A student, well I used to be.

Up until my parents died, my grades have been dropping, my perfect score average gone.

Mrs. Briar hands Justin his test, and he smiles with excitement. "A plus"He smiles and I gasp, snatching the paper out of his hands. How is this possible? How the hell did he manage to get a higher grade than me?

He looks down at my test and tries to hold in a laugh. "It's gonna be okay Ariana, I can help you study if your struggling in this subject"He pats my arm with a sincere look in his eye, trying to still hold in his laugh.

I push his arm away and laugh with him. It's still hard to believe that he got a higher grade than me. I'm the one who helped him study for the test, teaching him everything, yet I'm the one with the lower grade. I can honestly say I'm surprised to see him with a good grade.

I take out my notebook and write something for him. I can't take out my phone or it will get taken away.

Good job, surprised that you got an A on the test. First A I've ever seen coming from you- I write down on the paper.

"I know, when I show this to my mom she will be so happy"He takes his test back. "We should go celebrate after school. There's a new ice cream shop that opened near my house. Say you will come with me"He asks.

I would have to ask my Aunt first- I write down.

"I'm sure she will say yes. I can take you home straight after, your Aunt doesn't even have to pick you up"His eyes are begging.

I nod a yes and he smiles. "Meet me in the front of school at 3:30. I have to go meet with the football coach before we leave"He tells me and I nod again, but raise an eyebrow and cross my arms once I realize what he just said.

Why are you meeting the football coach?-  I write and he rolls his eyes. He sighs and looks embarrassed."I'll tell you about it later, not now"He says.

The bell rings and we both stand up from our seats. "I'll see you after school"He tells me before walking off. Before my next period, I quickly text my Aunt, letting her know of the plans I have with Justin after school. She sends me a flirty emoji. I roll my eyes and ignore her text.

My next class is PE. It used to be one of my favorites, but now, not so much. I head into the locker rooms and quickly change into my PE clothes.

When I walk into the gym, I run into Lexi. She doesn't say a thing as she walks past me to a few friends waiting for her, my old friends. An apology would have been nice.

She has been nothing but a brat to me. She took my spot as cheer captain and took all of my friends.

I know who my real friends are, and sadly Lexi and the rest of the cheer squad isn't one of them. Surprisingly I feel that Justin is at the top of that list right now, but I shake it away. He is at the bottom of the list. It's gonna take him a lot to get to the top.

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