Chapter 7

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Justin's P.O.V.

As I walk into my house, I hear yelling and shouting. I pass the kitchen, to see my mom arguing with her boyfriend. As usual.

"Stop talking back to me!"He yells in her face. "You need to listen to me!"She yells back.

"I don't care what you have to fucking say! Your not ever going to take a ride from that guy again!"Richard yells at her. That's his name.

"I don't have any feelings for him! Why won't you believe me?"My mom asks him, tears falling down her face.

I knew he was gonna find out about Chad. Chad is her co worker from her job, and he gives her a ride home almost every day. I guess Richard finally found out about it, and now he's pissed.

"Just shut up"He slaps her across the face. I rush into the kitchen and walk in front of her, preventing him from hitting her again.

"Don't you dare put another fucking finger on her!"I spit in his face. "Get out of my way, now!"He yells at me.

"No, I'm sick and tired of you, my mom is not a rag you can just toss around-"I begin. "Justin, stop"My mom cuts me off. I turn to look at her, as she cries, with her hand holding her now red cheek.

"It's fine, just go upstairs to your room"She says. "I'm not leaving you mom, so he can just abuse you!"I clench my jaw. "Go to your room now! Before I have to punish you"She yells at me and I shake my head in disgust.

"Listen to your mother"Richard folds his arms. "You know what, fuck both of you! I hate you mom! And I hate your stupid boyfriend even more!"I yell in their faces and storm off.

"Watch your damn mouth"Richard yells after me but I run upstairs. I slam my room door shut and lock it.

I hit my fist against the wall a few times, something I do when I get angry.

"I hate this place"I pick up the lamp and throw it across the room.

I have to get out of here. My mom has been dating that dickhead for eight months and I'm sick of him. He walks around here like he owns the place, Like he owns us. He's not my father, and he never will be.

Him and my mom fight non stop yet she refuses to call the cops or at least leave him.

The days when they don't fight, are even worse. She talks to him about getting married and he talks crap about how he's saving money for a ring, yea right!

If my mom marries him, he has full custody over my life and hers. She's too blind to see that he's an idiot. And I hate her now too, cause it feels like she's turning into him. She treats me like crap, she treats me the same damn way as he does.

This is the reason I'm doing the bet. I've been doing bets on girls for awhile now, trying to get money. I'm saving it all up, so I can get away from here. I'm gonna leave this stupid town, and go live my own life, the way I want to.

My friends think I'm saving for a better car, I don't care about what car I have. I just need to get money, so I can leave this house.

Ugh! I really need to hurry this Ariana bet along, cause once I get the money from this bet, I'll have enough to leave.

And when I leave, I'm never coming back. Not for anyone.

I text Ariana, to see if she has any plans. I don't wanna spend my Sunday alone with my mom and her boyfriend. Plus this will give me more time with Ariana, to the get this bet done with quicker.

Me: Hey, wanna hang out today?

A few minutes later, I get a text back from her.

Ariana: I have to go to church with my Aunt, but we can hang out afterwards

MoonlightOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora