Chapter 20

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Ariana's P.O.V.

"Congratulations on the game Justin"Mark, Justin's friend comes up to the both of us as we head to the parking lot. His sidekick Luke is with him. Lots of people are now leaving as well.

Justin wraps his arms around me and holds me with a protective grip. He holds me closer to him, a mad look now on his face.

"Thanks, now good night"Justin tugs on my hand and I'm confused. Why is he mad all of a sudden? Are him and Mark fighting?

"Hey, not so fast. I wanted to invite you two over to my house tonight. I'm having a party and I would really like you both to come, especially now that I know you guys are a couple"Mark looks at Justin with a smirk on his face. Justin gives him a scowl.

"We have plans I'm sorry, maybe next time?"Justin asks and pulls me away from Mark. This time Mark doesn't follow us.

"Well If those plans change, you know where I live!"Mark calls out but we continue to keep on walking away.

"What was that about?"I ask Justin as we near his car. "Don't worry about it"He says and lets go of my hand. We both get in the car and Justin starts it up. He quickly drives away, anger still in his eyes.

"Justin can you slow down. What has gotten into you?"I ask him, my heart racing from how fast he is driving.

"I-I'm sorry"He looks over at me and his face fades from anger to worry. "It's nothing, really. I'm fine"He assures me but I know he is lying.

"Why don't you want to go to that party? You dodged our invitation the last time he asked us"I tell him and he rolls his eyes.

"I just don't want to go to his house"He says. "But what if I want to go?"I ask and he furrows his eyebrows at me, looking away from the road for a brief second.

"Trust me Ariana you are better off not going to his place. His parties are crazy. It's filled with tons of alcohol, illegal drugs, and lots of wasted and drunk people. I don't want you in the mix of that"He tells me.

"Come on, you don't think I can handle it? It might be fun. You just won our school's football game, I'm sure lots of kids from our school are going and I think it will be nice to go celebrate. I'm not a fragile little girl, I can get a little crazy too. Plus I know you like going to parties. I've watched you go to them since the beginning of high school. I don't want to be the one who takes that away from you"I tell him.

"Ariana, I'm serious. I don't want you going to the party tonight. Just drop it okay?"He snaps.

"No, I'm not gonna drop it. I wanna go and have some fun like every other high school student out there. Please can we go. We don't even have to stay long, an hour is all I'm asking for. I want to get a peak inside of this whole different world that you've been living in. Please"I beg him and he sighs.

He stops at a red light and looks back over at me.

"Fine, one hour nothing more. That's it"He gives in and I smile. "Yes! Lighten up will you. You just won a football game and kissed me in front of the whole school, which I'm sure will be talked about all next week"I tell him.

"I don't mind. Like I said, everyone needs to know that your mine"He says and the light turns green. He begins driving again, but doesn't turn down his neighborhood.

"I couldn't stop staring at you throughout the entire game and all I kept seeing were a few boys behind you. They were talking about you, I could tell. And from the looks of it, they were totally checking you out. Probably because your change of look or whatever. All I know is that
I didn't like the way they were staring at you. And I thought to myself, why keep this a secret? Your mine and I should be proud of it. I don't care what anyone else has to say about us. I'm not ashamed, I never was. And I never will be so why not tell everyone we're dating?"He explains, a smile creeping back onto his face.

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