Chapter 29

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Ariana's P.O.V.

"Did anyone notice we were gone?"Justin asks Nate and Maggie as we walk along the Santa Monica Pier.

Justin had called Nate to find out where the class was. It's almost nine and everyone is out at the Pacific Park.

"No, you both are good. We still have two hours to kill until we have to head back to the beach house. Want to head over to Pacific park with everyone else?"Nate suggest and we nod.

The house is only a fifteen minute walk from here. We'll get back on time for curfew.

"So, what did you guys do?"Maggie asks me as we head towards the pier amusement park. Justin is already in a deep conversation with Nate.

"We both just hung out and explored the different places here in Santa Monica"I tell her.

"You guys probably had a lot more fun than us. We literally were bored out of our minds with the teachers all day doing what they want. Going to pacific park is probably gonna be the only interesting part of our day"She says.

"Can I ask you a question?"I tell her. I know me and her aren't close but she looks like she might relate to me.

"How would you feel if Nate got a tattoo of your name and the day you got together on his body?"I ask her and she furrows her eyebrows.

"I would be thrilled"She smiles.

"Why?"I ask, wanting her opinion. Believe me, I love the fact that Justin got my name tattooed on him but that doesn't change the fact that I'm scared of commitment.

"Because it would mean that he's really serious about me. If Nate ever got a tattoo of my name on his body, I would know that he's the guy for me. It would show me that he sees us being in a relationship for a long time"She says.

She does have a point. Maybe she's right. I should be more thrilled about this like she would be. Justin getting that tattoo does show how serious he feels about me.

"Why are you asking this?"She asks but I shake my head. "No reason"I tell her and we continue walking side by side behind the boys. She'll probably eventually notice the tattoo on Justin but for right now, this is something I want to keep to myself.

We finally reach Pacific Park and the boys pay for all of our tickets.

"Ooh, babe lets go on the rollercoaster first!"Maggie points out and taps Nate.

"Umm, why don't we go on the pirate ship ride first?"Justin points the other way. You can hear the nervousness in his voice and I laugh. Justin is terrified of roller coasters. The last time we went on one together, he screamed like a little girl the entire time.

"I want to go on the roller coaster too"I say and Justin sighs.

"Are you scared of roller coasters Bieber?"Nate asks Justin. "I'm not scared of anything"Justin scoffs and I chuckle to myself.

"Okay than, let's go!"Nate pats Justin's back and I watch as Justin's eyes turn scared.

"I'll be right next to you the entire time. If I hold your hand, would that make you feel better?"I whisper in Justin's ear and he nods.

We head to the line and are put on the ride in less than ten minutes.

Nate and Maggie sit in the cart in front of us. Principal Hawkins and Mrs. Briar got in line after us and are now in the cart behind us.

"You guys ready for this?"Principal Hawkins shouts and everyone hollers from excitement, except Justin.

The ride begins moving and starts going up. Justin clutches onto my hand and tightly squeezes it.

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