Chapter 39

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Ariana's P.O.V.

I walk into school with a huge smile on my face. My hair falls perfectly down my shoulders and I wear a cute school outfit.

"Hey Ariana"Someone tells me as I walk down the Bakersfield high school hallways.

"Good job at Friday's cheer off"Someone else shouts as I walk by.

"You look really nice today"Another person compliments me as I head to my locker. This morning is just filled with joy and happiness.

I take out my first period book and close my locker door shut, only to be met with Justin leaning against a locker in front of me.

"Good morning princess"He winks and pulls me in for a kiss. I break away and look at him with adoring eyes.

"Good morning"I sheepishly smile at him and he takes my hand. We both walk down the hallways, and head towards Mrs. Briar's class.

"How did you sleep last night?"He asks me. "Good, and you?"I ask him. "Really good, and I think you know why"he wiggles his eyebrows and I bite my lip.

"Don't do that"He pulls my lip away from my teeth. "Why?"I ask him, confused. "Because that turns me on"He says and I roll my eyes and chuckle.

"Don't make me pull you into the janitor's closet and take you like I did last night"He tells me and I widen my eyes.

"Justin! Quiet down! I don't want the whole world to know about what went down yesterday"I tell him.

"Why not?"He asks me. "Because that was a special moment between me and you, and I want to keep it that way"I tell him.

"God, I love you so much"He kisses me again as we reach Mrs. Briar's class. "I will never get tired of saying that"He tells me and breaks away.

We both walk into class and sit in our usual seats. I notice Lea and Lexi as they wave at me. I wave back and the late bell rings.

I have to try and talk to them later about what happened between me and Justin yesterday. I know I said that I wanted to keep that special moment just between us but Lea and Lexi are my best friends. Besides, I'm sure Justin has already told Nate about it or is planning to.

"Only six more days seniors until you officially graduate from Bakersfield High!"Mrs. Briar starts class and everyone in the class begins to cheer and shout.

"I really am gonna miss seeing your faces around the halls. Some of you, I have known ever since your freshman year here at BHS"She says.

I remember when I first met Mrs. Briar. I used to be her favorite student. That was until I started hanging out with Justin. Ever since we started dating, she has always given me dirty looks and I don't know why.

"I wanted to talk to you guys today about how everything is gonna go on Sunday for the graduation ceremony"Mrs. Briar says and begins to explain everything about graduation.

Its fourth period and I'm bored out of my mind without Justin at my side. I wish we had all of our classes together, but sadly that isn't the case.

There is only a few more minutes left in class before lunch. I try to pay attention to what the teacher is saying but I keep dozing off about Justin.

I still can't believe that he got accepted into Stanford. His future is finally set and I feel so much more relaxed knowing that we're both going to the same college this fall semester.

I don't know what I would do without having him in my life. He has made me a much better and carefree person. I can't wait to see what the future holds for the both of us.

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