Chapter 35

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Justin's P.O.V.

"Are you sure about this?"Ariana asks me uneasily as we stand outside of school property.

It's eleven o'clock at night and the moon is out. I convinced Ariana earlier today to tag along with me and sneak into school.

I got a terrible grade on one of my final exams and I want to sneak in and change that.

"What if we get caught?"Ariana asks me and I roll my eyes. "I've done this a hundred times. We're not gonna get caught"I tell her.

"There are security cameras all over the place. Besides, how are we gonna get into Principal Hawkins office and hack into his computer? We don't have the key"She says.

"Actually we do"I bring out a pair of keys and her mouth drops. "How in the world did you get ahold of those?"She asks me.

"I borrowed it from one of the student council members. Her name is Ava and she has a key to everything in school"I tell her. "How did you get her to give them to you?"She asks.

"I promised her one dance at the Prom"I say and Ariana sighs.

"Well this still doesn't explain how we are gonna get passed the security cameras without getting caught on tape"She says.

"That's why I brought this"I pull my backpack off my shoulder and bring out a can of crazy string.

"Will that even work?"She asks and I nod. "I saw it in a movie once"I tell her and she shakes her head in annoyance.

"We're gonna be fine, stop stressing out over this. If you didn't want to come with me than you should have told me"I tell her.

"Let's just get this over with"She says and I smile. I kiss her pouty lips before we head towards the security gate surrounding the school.

"The gate is locked. We're gonna have to jump over the fence"I turn to Ariana. "I'll go first and you follow, got it?"I ask her and she nods.

I throw my backpack over the fence and it lands on the ground. I begin to haul myself up the tall fence. Once I reach the top, I drop down to the ground.

"Alright, your turn"I tell Ariana and she begins climbing up the fence. She sits up at the top and looks warily down at the ground.

"I'll catch you, just like the last time"I tell her and she lets out a big breath. She jumps and lands right into my arms.

"Come on"I tell her and pick up my backpack. I sling it over my back and we rush over to one of the school entrance doors.

I take out a fake teacher ID from my pocket and slide it through the card slot. The door opens and I pull Ariana inside the building with me.

"Where did you get a fake teacher ID?"She asks me. "I know a guy who's really good at making fake ID's"I tell her.

"Don't tell me you have a fake club ID too?"Ariana looks at me with a distraught look. "Fine, I don't have a fake club ID"I tell her what she wants to hear and she groans.

We're about to round a corner when I hear a sound. I drop down to the floor with Ariana and tell her to be quiet.

I peek my head to the side and notice the janitor rolling a cart down the hallway. I watch him until he disappears from my sight.

"The coast is clear"I say and we both stand back up. I take out my can of crazy string, aware that there is a camera right when we turn down the corner.

"Stay close behind me"I tell Ariana and she nods. I round the corner and quickly spray my crazy string on the camera, covering the lens.

"Not such a bad idea after all huh?"I turn to Ariana and she chuckles.

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