Chapter 42

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Ariana's P.O.V.

Today I decided to go back to school. When I got here, I was expecting for everyone to start laughing at me again like they did on Monday.

Instead, everyone immediately started to apologize for what happened to me. Kids that I don't even know or talk to, have come up to me all day and expressed their feelings on the whole situation.

It's now lunchtime and literally every head turns my way as I walk into the cafeteria. Chatter about me and Justin begin to start all throughout the place and I choose to ignore it.

I get my lunch and sit down at a table with Lea and Lexi.

"How you holding up?"Lexi asks me. "I'm good. I'm really grateful that Justin isn't here today. I'm not ready to face him at all"I tell them honestly.

"Do you know why he's not here?"Lea asks me and I shake my head no, not really caring where he is.

"He got suspended for two days because he got into a fist fight with Mark"Lea tells me and I stop chewing my food, midway as I eat.

"What?"I ask, in shock. For a split second, I care again for Justin but it's gone as quickly as it came.

"He beat up Mark really badly on Tuesday. I've never seen him so angry before"Lexi tells me and I continue to chew what's left in my mouth.

"Oh well. He's not my boyfriend anymore so I don't care whether he gets himself into trouble"I shrug and eat another spoonful of my food.

"Have you guys talked at all after the scene on Monday?"Lexi asks me and I shake my head no.

"He's tried calling and messaging me but I haven't answered him"I told her.

"You know your gonna have to face him tomorrow whether you want to or not"She tells me. "I refuse to talk to him ever again"I say.

I may have to see him again but I'm standing by my word, and never speaking to him again. There is no explanation that he could give me that will make everything alright.

Only three more days until I graduate, and I'm out of this place forever.

I was so excited to be able to head to Stanford with the love of my life. Now I get to go alone, and live in a new city where I know absolutely no one.

It's okay though, I'll manage and I'll survive. Everything will be alright.

Justin's P.O.V.

I sit on the couch with hands behind my head and my feet propped on the coffee table as I watch the television.

I've literally sat in this same position for the past day. The only time I moved was to take a shower and go to sleep.

I've been miserable the past two days without Ariana. I miss her so fucking much and I wish we never broke up.

I miss holding her and kissing her. I miss her eyes and her adorable laugh. I miss every little thing about her. All I want right now is to go back to the way things were. I love Ariana and will always love her.

I take out my phone and dial her number again. The line rings and rings until I reach her voicemail.

I sigh and hang up. I put my phone away and try to pay attention to what the tv is playing.

I hear the doorbell ring and I groan, not wanting to get up from my seat.
I stand up and groggily walk to the front door of the house.

I open the door and my mouth drops as soon as I take in who stands in front of me.

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