Chapter 40

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Justin's P.O.V.

It's literally been almost a day since the whole fight in front of the whole school happened between me and Ariana.

I tried everything I could to try and talk to her but she doesn't what to to see me at all.

I've called her a million times, texted her, and I even tried to go to her house last night. Dolly wouldn't even let me walk pass the doorway. All she could do is look at me with sad and ashamed eyes.

I can't even talk to my mom about the whole thing because her and Richard are off on their honeymoon this week.

I fucking hate that this whole thing happened. I lost the best thing that ever happened in my life.

I love Ariana so much and I would never intentionally hurt her. When I received that message yesterday in school and realized everyone in school received the same thing, my mood turned from happy to panicked.

I know exactly who sent that message to everyone.


I cancelled the bet on Ariana so he decided to get revenge when his little Luke plan didn't work back in Santa Monica.

I feel so terrible right now and all I want is the chance to talk to Ariana. If she would just let me explain myself, things wouldn't be so bad.

Mark knew just how to play me. He knew by sending that stupid picture the day after I make love to Ariana, would be the perfect thing to break us up. I can't believe he actually found my special place with Ariana and took that picture of us.

Ariana must feel humiliated. I can only imagine the things running through her head right now.

I walk into school with my head held low and a hoodie over my head. I look at no one as I head to my locker and take out my first period class book. I slam my locker door shut and walk straight to class, giving no one any attention.

As I walk into class, people give me the dirtiest looks. I roll my eyes and sit in a seat at the back.

The bell hasn't rung yet so people are all in the classroom talking about what happened yesterday.

I notice Lea and Lexi heading towards my desk and I sigh. Just fucking great.

"How dare you do this to Ariana!"Lea yells at me. "Your a real jerk for breaking her heart. Your the only guy who she's ever truly loved. Even more than Brad. She trusted you with her life and you broke her heart"Lexi shouts at me, catching everyone's attention in the class.

"Your a real douche bag. Your never gonna get another girlfriend ever in your life as great as Ariana"Lea tells me before her and Lexi walk away.

The late bell rings and Mrs. Briar looks straight ahead at me with a nasty look.

"Good morning class"She says and looks away from me. I put my head down to block away all the dirty stares that everyone gives me.

Hopefully this stupid class will go by quickly.

Second period ends and the bell rings. I let everyone walk out the class first before I walk out myself.

I walk down the hallways and keep my head down. I head straight for my third period class without making any contact with anyone.

"Hey Justin, I hope your happy with all that money you got!"I hear Mark's annoying voice and I roll my eyes. I continue to walk and ignore him.

"On a scale of one to ten, how good is Ariana in bed huh?"Mark jokes.

I turn around to look at him laughing with Luke and a few other group of students.

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