Chapter 4

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Justin's P.O.V.

"How did it go with Maggie?"I ask my best friend Nate. "Good, she'll probably be begging for more of me later on"He says and I fist bump him.

We walk into our Biology class, taking a seat in the back. "How about you? Did you see Rebecca this weekend?"He asks. "Nope, and thank God"I sigh.

Rebecca and I had a thing for a few months. I got tired of her so I dropped her. She didn't get the whole idea and was obsessing over me for a few weeks. And now she's completely changed her mind about me, and wants to ruin my life. As long as I avoid her, I'm good.

"Will everyone please turn in your homework assignments"Mrs. Carlson gets the whole class' attention.

"Did you do it?"Nate asks. I shake my head no. "How about you?"I ask the same to him. "Nah, you know I don't got time for that damn shit"He chuckles, and I laugh.

The bell rings and the whole class settles down. "Alright, I want everyone to open up your textbooks to page 105. We are going to be starting a new unit before we start the upcoming project"Mrs. Carlson turns around and begins writing things on the board.

I take out my book and toss it on the table in front of me. I barely pay attention to what she says, as I draw stupid things on the cover.

The door soon opens, and the whole class takes their focus away from the teacher. Ariana walks in, followed by Principal Hawkins.

She hasn't been to school in at least three weeks. She looks much different, from what she usually looks like. Her hair is tied up, she wears dark clothes, and her eyes look dull.

She isn't her usual peppy self anymore. Last time I saw her, was the day of her parents funeral. She had Hugged me and cried in my shoulder, while we stood outside of my house that day. Something that we never do.

"Excuse me for interrupting your class, Mrs. Carlson. I'm just here to escort Ariana to class. She hasn't attended for awhile and I just wanted to excuse her for being late. Students, I know how you can get, so take it easy on Ms. Grande here. Help her catch up in class will you?"He asks the class and smiles.

"Have a good day"He pats Ariana on the shoulder. She looks up, but looks immediately back down to the floor. Principal Hawkins walks out, and she heads towards the empty seat in front of me.

Before she sits down, she locks eyes with me. I send her an assuring smile. She tries to smile back but instead, takes a seat, and looks towards the front.

After class is done, I send Nate away and wait for Ariana outside of class. She finally walks out, after privately talking with the teacher, probably taking down her missing work.

"Hey, how have you been?"I ask, as soon as she comes out. She doesn't answer me, only continues to walk.

"It's good to see you back"I tell her. She continues to keep quiet and keep walking, still staying close to me though.

"I have the feeling that you're not gonna talk to me at all"I sigh. "I get it though, your Queen Bee and I'm just the loser kid no one cares about"I lowly chuckle.

She shakes her head at me, and places a hand on my shoulder. Maybe trying to say that I'm not a loser.

She whips out her phone and begins typing something. My phone beeps and I look down to see a message from her.

Ariana: Your not a loser, your a dumbass :)

Me: I may be a dumbass, but your a smartass

I send her my text and send a laughing emoji along with it. She shoves me when she sees my text, and I laugh.

Once we reach her locker, I say goodbye and head over to mine. It's good to have the drama queen back.
Even though, she's not the same girl before.

The girl who's eyes would always light up, and had to have the perfect outfit. The girl who's life everyone wants. Or at least wanted.

Ariana's P.O.V.

I know that it's stupid that I couldn't get myself to speak. I haven't spoken since the day of the funeral, and I don't know when I will speak again.

My Aunt dolly keeps trying to get me to say at least one word, but I just can't get myself to say anything.

I reach my locker and open it, throwing my biology book inside. I look to the left, only to catch my eye on Brad.

He walks hand in hand with that same girl. The same girl who he cheated on me with. The same girl who I now despise.

He notices me staring, and I immediately look away. I grab the book for my next class and slam the locker door shut.

I sadly have to pass him, to get to my next class. I keep my head down, trying to avoid any eye contact.

"Hey Ariana"His new girlfriend calls me out. I keep walking, not wanting to face her right now. She took what was once mine. What else does she want?

"Brad here, tells me your still a virgin"She shouts so everyone in the hall can hear. I stop in my tracks and the whole place gets quiet. Everyone has their eyes on us now.

I turn around, with tears in my eyes. I run up to him and slap him hard across the face, leaving a red mark. His girlfriend looks at me shocked.
The whole hall shouting now.

I quickly walk away from the scene. My feet going quicker, turning into a run. I head straight to the bathroom and lock myself in a stall.

Tears are streaming down my face now, as I close the toilet lid and sit down.

How humiliating! The whole school will know I'm a Virgin in a few minutes. That's how fast gossip goes around in this big school.

I whip out my phone, texting my Aunt Dolly to pick me up. It's only been an hour and I'm already crying. I knew I shouldn't have come back today.

I look down and continue crying. I wonder what other horrible things they have been saying about me.



Hey guys! Sorry for this sappy and short chapter. I will update again today, because I'm just in a good mood.

So Double update! Yay!

In this chapter Ariana, came back to school and now she feels even more miserable than she already felt.

I can't imagine a big secret like that getting out in my school, I would be humiliated too.

I also wanted to tell you who I see as the cast. There will be more people added into the story so I'll let you guys know as you go.:

Justin: Himself
Ariana: Herself
Nate: Dylan O'Brian
Brad: Austin Butler
Lexi: Herself
Aunt Dolly: Jamie Lee Curtis

I really want this story to blossom so tell your friends and other wattpad buddies about it please. Love you guys.

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