Chapter 31

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Ariana's P.O.V.

Justin's car honks outside and I hurry to finish up my breakfast. I grab my bag and my phone before heading straight for the door.

"Bye Aunt Dolly, see you later!"I yell through the house before walking out and locking the door behind me.

I get in Justin's car and he drives out my driveway. He begins heading towards school and turns down his music.

"Good morning beautiful"He winks at me and turns his head back to the road. "Good morning"I tell him.

"Did you get a good night sleep? Yesterday was exhausting"He says, referring to the trip. We did a few more things in Santa Monica before the bus headed back here to Bakersfield. I didn't get home until late last night. I immediately went to sleep because I was so tired.

"Yea, I'm still a little tired though. All I wanted to do this morning was get back in bed and go back to sleep"I say and yawn.

"Today we have finals. You ready?"He asks. "I think I will do fine. The real question is do you think your ready?"I ask him and he laughs.

"At this point, I honestly don't even know. Only God can help me now"He says and I chuckle.

"You'll do fine. Don't be too hard on yourself. Your smarter than you think"I tell him.

"Why do you think so highly of me?"He asks. "Because, I know you have the potential Justin"I tell him.

He rolls his eyes and pays attention to the road for a few minutes before speaking up again.

"My mom and Richard approached me yesterday after I came home"He begins. "What did they have to say?"I ask.

"They want to get married right away, so they planned the date for this Sunday"He tells me.

"What?"I ask shocked. "That's literally six days away"I tell him.

"I know, but that's not even the worst part. They want me to be Richard's best man and for you to be my mom's maid of honor"He says.

"Why did your mom choose me? She doesn't have a close friend or someone who can be her maid of honor instead?"I ask, a bit confused.

"She doesn't have much friends anymore. She has a few but all she cares about is Richard. I understand if you don't want to do it, I'll just tell my mother to find someone else"He tells me but I stop him.

"No, I don't mind. I can do it, I'm just a little confused on why she chose me"I say.

"I think she wants to bond with you more, since your my girlfriend now"He says.

"Well, tell her I said I'm glad to do it"I say. "I just wish she took more time to think about this, there's a lot of planning when it comes to weddings and all she has is six days to plan everything"I say.

"I just wish it wasn't Richard that she's getting married to"He says.

"Remember Justin, she's pregnant with his child"I tell him. "I know, and I fucking hate it"He says.

"I'm sure once the baby is born, you'll have different thoughts about this whole situation"I say.

"No I won't, I will still hate Richard.  Like I told my mother last week, it's gonna take a lot for me to ever have a true relationship with him"He says.

We arrive at school and he parks the car.

"Let's just deal with this wedding stuff later okay? Let's focus on school right now and try to pass these final exams"I tell him and he nods.

We get out of the car and walk hand in hand into the school.

We head to first period and sit in the back like usual. The bell rings and class starts.

"Good morning students, I hope you all had a fun trip this weekend in Santa Monica. For the next three days, you will be taking last exams"Mrs. Briar tells all of us.

"In this class, you will be taking your math exams so clear your desks. All you need is a pencil. There will be absolutely no cheating on the test, keep your eyes on your own paper"She says next and begin passing out test papers to everyone.

"You have an hour to complete this test. Best of luck everyone"Mrs. Briar says and I start my test.

It's one o'clock when I leave my physics class and begin to worry about the test I just took.

I've been doing good all day except in that class. I really hope I didn't do as bad as I think.

"Ariana Grande, to the principal's office"A woman on the intercom speaks throughout the whole school.

Why does the Principal need to see me? Maybe he found out about what happened with Mark and Luke over the weekend? Maybe Justin couldn't keep his anger inside so he went and beat them up. I haven't seen Justin since lunch so it's a good possibility he's gotten into trouble.

I walk towards the Principal's office with my heart hammering in my chest. Thoughts of what the principal could tell me run through my head as I get closer and closer.

When I walk inside, there is no sign of Justin so I push away the thought of him getting into trouble.

"Good afternoon Ariana, please, have a seat"Principal Hawkins motions for me to take a seat in front of his desk.

I sit down nervously and begin fumbling with my fingers.

"I wanted to pull you in here and talk about graduation next Sunday"He says and a sigh of relief is released from me.

"What about graduation?"I ask him.

"Well, you have the highest grade in the entire senior class, so I wanted to let you know that you are the valedictorian this year"He says and my mouth drops. 

"Really? My grades kinda dropped a bit for a month or two, are you sure that's correct. I mean I knew I was smart, but not that smart. There are much smarter kids in the class who deserve valedictorian"I say.

"I'm positive Ariana. Your grades did drop but you brought them right back up. You deserve valedictorian"He tells me.

"Wow, thank you"I say. "Don't thank me, thank yourself. It's your hard work and determination that got you this. And since you got valedictorian, that means that you will be the one this senior year to make a speech at graduation"He says.

"A speech?"I ask. I really don't like speaking in front of large crowds. I can perform and cheer in front of large crowds but speaking is definitely not my thing.

"Yes, I know graduation is right around the corner but you got this. I expect you to encourage your classmates through your speech and to make it one of the most memorable ones"He says and stands up.

"Okay, I'll get right on it"I say and shake his hand. "Congratulations Ariana, you are one of my most greatest students. I'm most definitely gonna miss you when you leave"He says.

"Thank you again Principal Hawkins"I smile at him and leave his office.


Who knew, me, Ariana Grande, would get Valedictorian. This is such an honor. I have exactly thirteen days to come up with a good speech for graduation.

Thirteen whole days until I officially graduate from Bakersfield High School.

Thirteen whole days until my whole life changes forever.



Hey guys, hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Ariana got valedictorian.

Thirteen more days until they graduate. Who else is excited?




Love ya😘

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