Chapter 36

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Justin's P.O.V.

"Ten minutes until the game!"My coach shouts through the locker room.

Me and my teammates are all getting ready and changing for the game. We are at Stockdale High school to play against the Mustangs and right now, I am nervous as hell. I don't even know why.

"You okay Bieber? You look a little pale?"Vilmer, my teammate asks me.

"I'm fine"I tell him and take a gulp of my water bottle. "Are you sure?"He asks and I nod.

I hear a screech and turn around. Boys in the locker room begin to shout "You can't be in here!"

I notice Ariana and a smile spreads across my face. She looks beautiful as she walks towards me with a cheerleading outfit on and her hair in curls.

"You know you can't be in here right?"I chuckle once she reaches me. I pull her in for a kiss.

"I know"She mutters against my lips and breaks away. "I just wanted to come wish you luck before the game starts"She says.

"You look really great in that cheer uniform. It feels like forever since I've last seen you wear one"I tell her and she smiles down at her outfit.

"Tell me about it. I forgot how nerve racking it felt to be a cheerleader at a big game"She says.

"Your gonna do fine"I kiss her temple and she hugs me tightly.

"The same goes for you. Just go out there and give your best tonight"She says and I give her one last kiss before she lets me go.

"I have to go but I'll see you after the game okay?"She asks and I nod. I watch as she leaves the locker room.

All the boys look at me with annoyed and pissed faces.

"What? Don't be jealous since your girlfriend won't come in here and wish you luck"I tell them and roll my eyes.

"Our girlfriends are smart, they know not to come in here. You need to get your little bitch under control and teach her the rules around here"One of my teammates, George speaks.

Anger immediately sets in and I ball my fists at my side. My hands grab George by the shirt and slam him against one of the lockers.

"Don't you ever call my girlfriend a bitch. She has a name and its Ariana!"I yell in his face, ready to punch him.

"Break it up, Now!"The coach yells and pulls me off of George. "The game is about to start in five minutes. We don't have time for any fights. Starting right now, you guys need to push everything to the side and act like a team"The coach yells at us.

"Everyone needs to finish getting dressed, Now!"He shouts and we all go back to getting ready.

I put the rest of my gear on and pay no attention to George. Coach Murray is right, I need to get my head in the game and not worry about anything else. Tonight is a big night and I can't disappoint anyone.

"Gather up team!"Coach Murray shouts as soon as we are all ready.

"Tonight is the big game. I expect you all to give one hundred percent tonight. The stadium is packed, there isn't one seat left. The Stockdale Mustangs are really good but don't let that scare you. I believe in every single one of you. I want you to go out there and be a team, help each other out. Seniors, this is the last game you will ever play as a high schooler, make it count!"He tells all of us.

"Hands in!"He says and we all put our hands in the middle. "Go Drillers!"We all shout and all get in single file.

"Let's go!"The Coach shouts and we all begin to run out of the locker room. The field comes into sight and my mouth drops open at the crowded stadium.

Moonlightजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें