Chapter 10

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Justin's P.O.V.

Last night, after I dropped Ariana back at her home, I went straight back to the treehouse. I took a blanket, that was sitting in my car, and used that as a sheet to cover me. I used one of the pillows already there, to rest my head, and I fell asleep.

I couldn't go back home last night. I know that if I did, Richard would be waiting for me, probably waiting with a bat in hand. And my mom would stand there, watching as he gave me a beating.

I've gotten a few from him, and quite frankly I don't want another. Once he starts hitting me, he won't stop until his knuckles or hands hurt.

I had to get breakfast at a gas station this morning, and take a shower in the boys locker room.

Sometimes I ask God why he let me end up with the life I have right now. Why couldn't I have two loving parents and not the fear of going home everyday?

I finish eating the rest of my gas station breakfast sandwich. Once I'm done, I head out the locker room and into the now crowded hallways.

I bump into the football coach, Coach Murray.

"Justin, I can expect to see you at practice this afternoon right?"He asks. "Yes sir"I smile a nod. "Good, practice is right after school, from 3:30 to 5:30 got it?"He asks and I nod again before he walks away.

I head over to my locker and take out my math book for the next class. I close the locker shut, Ariana standing right in front of me now.

"Hey"I say and she smiles. She looks down at her phone to type something.

I wish so fucking badly that she will speak again soon. I can't take this texting any longer, I can't stand not hearing her beautiful voice anymore.

She looks so beautiful with her long wavy hair, and her big brown eyes. She still looks good as she wears a huge black sweater over her body.

Chill Justin, you can't fall for her. That's against the bet rules.

I look down at my phone to see the new text she has sent me.

Ariana: Are we still hanging out after school?

"Of course"I smile down at her. "But I have practice with the football team this afternoon so do you mind staying for a little bit?"I ask. I can already see the answer in her eyes. No.

Ariana: I don't know, the cheerleaders practice on the field with the football team. And you know how I feel about them right now.

"Please? This would give you a chance to see me play"I say.

She stares at me, her eyes asking me not to make her go.

"It's fine, I'll just pick you up after practice and than we can hang"I sigh and begin walking away but she pulls my arm to stop me. She types another text for me.

Ariana: I'll go

"What made you change your mind?"I ask her, smiling now.

Ariana: The thought of you getting pummeled to the floor by the bigger and much more fit football players

"You think I'm not strong enough or fit? Baby I'm much more stronger than them, I can take them"I chuckle, still offended.

She lifts her eyebrows again, and I realize I called her Baby for the second time. I don't know why she doesn't like it.

"I'm sorry"I apologize and she nods, accepting it.

"Hey bad girl"Rebecca comes walking up behind Ariana, Ariana giving her a smile. She notices me and I sigh, not wanting to deal with her crap right now.

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