Chapter 18

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Justin's P.O.V.

"So the bet is really over huh?"Nate asks me as we walk into school. "Yep, I can't do that to Ariana, I don't want to take advantage of her"I tell him.

"You know he's just gonna replace you. Mark always gets what he wants"He tells me. "Not this time"I say and we walk through the crowded hallways.

"You are crazy in love with this girl man. You have to get over her, she doesn't like you"Nate pats my shoulder. I haven't told him about last night with Ariana. I don't want to tell him yet until we actually make things official. Which will only happen if tonight goes great.

"Just drop it okay?"I tell Nate and keep walking to my locker. I grab my first period book and close the locker shut. I look up to see Ariana entering school.

She looks different. Her hair is styled, her clothes aren't wrinkled, and she wears a huge smile on her face. She still wears a hug sweater over her body, which I totally understand. She still wants to hide her cuts.

"I'll meet up with you later"I tell Nate and walk over to Ariana. I hear Nate chuckle as I leave his side.

"Hey beautiful"I say once I'm next to her, and her smile widens even more. "Hey"She shyly greets me back.

"Are we still on for tonight?"I ask her. "Wouldn't miss it"She whispers so only I can hear her. I don't know why she won't talk out loud to anyone else.

"Come on, let's get to class, don't want to be late"I say and we walk together to first period. We both take our usual seats, in the back, me in front of her.

"Class I have an announcement on the senior field trip"Mrs. Briar gets our attention after the bell rings. "Next Friday is the actual trip. I received everyone's permission slip so next weekend is gonna be a fun one. We are leaving to Santa Monica right after school next Friday so make sure to tell your parents and bring all your belongings for the weekend. We were able to rent out a huge beach house"She says and the whole class erupts into chatter.

"Sounds like fun"Ariana whispers in my ear and I smile. "We could totally sneak out and do our own thing"I turn around and whisper back. "I'm looking forward to that"She blushes.

"Now class, let's not get carried away. Turn to page 234 in your books"She says and the whole class groans.


It's 7:30 as I stand outside of Ariana's door, and a bouquet of roses in my hand. I frown down at the flowers in my hand, maybe Nate is right. I am a little too crazy about Ariana, too crazy it kinda scares me. I'm nervous as hell as I knock on her door. I haven't really done this before, take a girl out on an actual date. This would be the first.

The door opens and I'm greeted with Ariana's Aunt Dolly.

"Justin, it's so nice to see you"She pulls me in for a hug. "This is a date right? Ariana tried texting me otherwise but I knew it was a date by how dressed up she was. It's nothing fancy, buts it's more than what she's usually wearing lately"She chuckles and I walk into the house.

"Yep, it's a date"I smile. "I knew you guys would end up going out sooner or later. I just want to know how do you do it? She's obviously been opening up to you and I know she's talking to you. I caught her the other day talking to you on the phone, the conversation was very brief though"She explains and I don't know what to say. Before I can answer her, I notice Ariana walk down the stairs.

Her hair is done like this morning at school, and she wears a knee length skirt that shows off her long legs. A huge sweater hugs her skin but I don't mind, she still looks pretty to me.

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