Chapter 16

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Justin's P.O.V.

"You what?"Mark yells at me angrily.

"I don't want to be apart of this Ariana bet anymore, it's wrong. I refuse to take her innocence and than exploit it to the whole world"I tell him.

"Is this because you still like her? I knew you never got over her"He is really upset.

"Look I just can't do it okay, just leave her the hell alone"I say and he laughs wickedly.

"You think just because your backing out, I won't just replace you? Ariana will get her virginity taken away and the whole school will know it soon enough"He says. This dumbass must be joking.

"You will not continue this bet on her, if you do I will fucking kill you"I'm in his face now. "No one will lay a single finger on her understand?"I'm angry just like him.

"No I think you need to understand that I don't give a damn what you have to say. Your a wimp. You have fallen madly in love for this girl. When are you gonna realize that she's never gonna love you back?"He chuckles.

He's right, she will never love me the way I love her but that gives him no fucking right to mess with her. She's still a person and she's very fragile. I don't want to see her heartbroken and torn up in pieces like when her parents died. I want her to be happy.

"I'm serious Mark, touch her or do any harm to her and I will come after you"I say and walk away before he can say anything back. Luke stands at the door and let's me out, a sad look on his face. I feel bad for the kid, he's like Mark's slave.

I whip out my phone to text Nate.

Justin: The bet is off on Ariana

I dial Rebecca's number. She is the only other person besides Nate, who knew about the bet. I need to let her know that it's off.

She doesn't answer my phone call so I decide to text her just like I did to Nate.
I call Ariana after and she answers after two rings.

"Hello?"I hear her beautiful voice.

"You busy?"I ask, I really want to see her. "No"She answers.

"Be ready in ten, I'm on my way to pick you up"I tell her. "Okay"She says and I hang up.

Within ten minutes, I roll up my car to the front of her house where she anxiously waits for me outside. She gets into the car with a smile on her face.

"Hey babe"I greet her. "Hey"She looks over at me, something in her eyes. Adoration. Amusement. I don't know, but she's really happy to see me.

"Where are we going?"She asks as I pull out of her driveway and drive away from her house.

"Our treehouse"I tell her and she nods.

"Do you realize that in almost a month we are graduating?"Ariana turns to me.

"Crazy, I know. It seems like we just started freshman year not too long ago"I say. Ariana is leaned into my body, her head on my shoulder as we look out at the lake beyond us. The sun is slowly setting and it looks beautiful from up here.

"I wish we could just stop time"She says and I agree with her. I would do anything to stay right here with her, wrapped up in my arms forever.

"I got an acceptance letter to Stanford"She tells me and looks up at my face.

"Congratulations"I smile down at her. "They are lucky to have you"I say and she continues staring at me.

"How about you? Your really gonna stay behind and help your mom with the new baby. I mean she told you to leave the city if you wanted to"She says.

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