Chapter 30

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Ariana's P.O.V.

I wake up to a bright room and arms wrapped around me. I turn my head to see Justin still asleep next to me.

I notice Maggie getting up from Nate's bed. She waves goodbye to me and quietly leaves the room.

Last night we were so tired, we decided to all crash together. We could get in deep trouble for this. Maybe I should get up and leave as well.

I try to move and get out of Justin's grip but he pulls me back.

"Your not going anywhere"He mutters as he plants a kiss on my neck. "Justin, I have to go before a teacher walks in and sees us"I tell him.

"I don't want you to go"He pouts and squeezes me tighter. "Fine, I'll stay for five more minutes. That's it"I tell him and lay back down against his chest.

"I wish we could stay here forever"He mumbles and kisses my cheek. "Me too"I agree.

"I have so many caught off guard pictures of you from yesterday"He chuckles and pulls out his phone. He begins going through his gallery and shows me a ton of pictures.

"You look beautiful in this one"He shows me a picture where I'm laughing. A huge smile is on my face and I look extremely happy.

Happy is something I haven't truly felt in a long time. Even before my parents died, I was never satisfied with my life. Yes I may have been the cheer captain and I dated the hottest jock in school but all of that seems like a distant memory now.

Justin has brought so much joy to my life and I hate the fact that we lost almost four years of friendship.

I still can't believe that we're actually dating now and that he's my boyfriend. Sometimes I forget and still think he's just my best friend. He will always be my best friend.

That's why I need to tell him about the other night with Luke and Mark. A relationship is nothing without honesty and trust. I'd rather Justin find out from me than someone else.

"J-Justin"I begin to stutter, scared to tell him the truth. "Yea, what's wrong?"He can a sense my worry already. He puts his phone down and gives me his complete attention.

"I have s-something to tell y-you. But if I t-tell you, you h-have to promise me you w-will not do anything stupid"I tell him.

"What do you mean I won't do anything stupid? Did someone harm you?"He asks, his anger slowly rising.

Damn, he's already angry and I haven't even begun telling him about Friday night. When it comes to me, I realize Justin will do anything and I mean anything to make sure I'm happy.

"I mean what I'm gonna tell you will probably make you extremely mad and you have to promise you won't go around beating people up and getting yourself in trouble"I tell him and sit up.

"I don't know if I can make any promises like that Ariana. If someone hurt you, you need to tell me now"He sits up as well and raises his voice.

"Shhh"I quiet him down. "Nate is still sleeping"I motion over to him knocked out on his side of the room.

"I'm serious Justin, you have to promise not to do anything crazy or react terrible or I won't tell you"I say and he sighs.

"Ariana don't-"He begins but I cut him off. "Don't Ariana me. You need to promise me Justin"I put my pinky out for him to pinky swear like we used to do when we were children.

He looks down at my pinky and hesitates at first. He rolls his eyes and finally crosses his pinky with mine, agreeing not to do anything dumb.

"Now tell me what's wrong, did Lexi do something to you?"He asks, concern replacing his anger.

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