Chapter 23

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Ariana's P.O.V.

I feel light kisses all over my neck and my eyes open up. The windows are open and rays of sunlight are peering through into my room.

"Finally, your awake"Justin mutters, his mouth still on my neck. I've always seen guys do this to girls but I've never experienced it before. Brad never kissed along my neck. I have to say I do like this.

Justin's light kisses turns to sucking once he finds a sensitive spot. I let a moan escape my mouth. What is this boy doing to me?

Justin soon finishes and finally looks down into my eyes.

"Good morning beautiful"He tells me and pecks my lips.

"W-what time I-is it?"I ask him and he chuckles. "I already have you stuttering"He smiles down at me.

"It's nine thirty. I heard your aunt leave about twenty minutes ago"He tells me.

"Looks like we have the place to ourselves until she gets back"I say and he laughs.

"You might have to cover up this new mark forming on your neck tonight when we have dinner with your aunt"He tells me and I feel my eyes widen. I push him off of me and rush to the bathroom.

I turn on the light and inch closer to the mirror to get a close look at my neck. I move my hair to the side and gasp once I see the now red spot on my neck.

Justin comes up behind me, a smile on his face.

"A hickey. You have me a freaking hickey!"I yell at him. I don't know how to feel about this right now. I mean am I mad? Or do I find this oddly sexy?

Ariana, you know you want Justin to do way more to you than suck your neck.

Dirty thoughts creep my mind and I instantly push them away. I'm not ready. I'm not ready. I'm not ready.

I keep repeating in my mind with my eyes closed. I let out a deep breath and open my eyes to take a look at the new hickey on my neck.

"Think of it as a kiss Mark, not a hickey"Justin wraps his arms around my waist.

"My aunt is gonna kill me. How long do these things usually last?"I ask him, us both looking in the mirror.

"Only a few days. Just cover it up with your hair or put some makeup on it. You'll be fine, your not gonna die"He laughs behind me.

"I've never had one of these before"I admit to him.

"Really?"He chuckles. "Well, I'm glad to be the first one to give you a kiss Mark"He smiles.

He places his chin on my shoulder. His arms are still wrapped around my waist.

"Are you mad?"He asks, concerned.
"I don't think so. It's just really new for me"I tell him.

"Maybe this will make it feel better"He reaches down and kisses the mark softly.

"I won't do it again if you don't want it"He says. Part of me never wants him to leave a mark like this one me ever again, but the other part of me kinda likes this kiss Mark. It's a symbol of something much bigger between me and Justin. I don't know how to explain it.

Justin's phone rings and he takes it out of his pocket. He answers it without looking at the caller. He still grips tightly on to me.

"Hello?"He asks.

Someone says something on the other line and I watch Justin's face turn from flirty and playful to annoyed.

"What do you want?"He asks.

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