Chapter 13

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Ariana's P.O.V.

When I walk into school, I head straight to my locker avoiding any eye contact with anyone. Lexi embarrassed me at Friday nights' game. I can already hear the whispers in the hallways about it as I pass by a bunch of students.

I pay no attention to anyone as I quickly gather my books for my next class. When I close my locker, I spot Justin down the hallway at his own locker, talking with a girl. She has the shortest skirt on and dirty blonde hair. She's flirting with him and I can see that he's flirting back.

I look away immediately and head the opposite direction towards my first period. When I walk in, I head straight for the back and sit down. I hear Justin's laugh but don't look up as he enters.

Please let someone else sit in front of me. Please.

Sadly he slides in front of me, sitting in the empty seat. I sigh and continue looking down.

"Hey"I hear his voice and he turns to me. I still don't look up at him, I just give him a small wave with my hand.

"Are you okay?"I hear concern etched in his voice. No! How can you hang out with me on Saturday and text me like crazy, calling me beautiful and babe; yet your back here at school and your flirting with someone else.

I nod at him and lie. I play with my fingers, still avoiding his eyes.

I knew this was too good to be true. All Saturday night, I kept thinking of the possibilities of there being an us, but my doubts are obviously right in this situation.

"Please don't tell me your giving me the silent treatment again? Ariana we talked about this"I hear him sigh.

I don't say anything still, ignoring him. He tries to say something else, but the teacher starts class.

All through class, Justin tries to distract me and talk to me. I continue to ignore him and try and pay attention to the board.

"Class I have an announcement to make. This is the senior class, so I'm sure you all know of the senior trip coming up. You are all going Santa Monica for a fun getaway weekend in two and a half weeks"She announces and the whole class erupts into cheers, excited over the news.

"I have the permission slips here at my front desk. Please grab one on your way out. I need them signed and back here tomorrow in order for you to go on the trip"She says right before the bell rings.

I gather my things and quickly bolt to the front of the class, not wanting to face Justin right now. I grab the permission slip and head out of class.

I try heading for my locker, but Justin begins hollering my name in the hallways. I try to walk faster, but he catches up to me and grabs my arm, forcing me to turn around and look at him.

"What the hell is your problem today?"He asks and I snatch my arm away from his grip.

"Did I do something to upset you? I thought we were good, you seemed fine yesterday when we were texting"He asks.

I don't answer him, I just turn away from him and knock right into Brad, dropping all of my papers on the ground. I reach down to pick them up. Surprisingly Brad helps me pick up my papers to.

"Here you go"My ex hands me my papers. All eyes in the hallway are on us now. Even Justin is staring, a flash of jealousy crossing his eyes.

I give Brad a nod of thanks and walk around him. That's the first encounter I've had with him since the time Chloe embarrassed me in the hallways a few weeks ago.

The next few periods go by fast and before I know it, lunch is here. I head towards the cafeteria but before I can enter, I feel a pair of hands grab me and push me into the janitors closet. I notice it's Justin again and I sigh.

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