Chapter 15

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Ariana's P.O.V.

It's Saturday night as I wait for Brad outside my house for him to pick me up. Only moments later does Brad roll up in front of my house. I open the door to his car and get in.

"Hey"He smiles at me as I strap myself in. I politely smile.

I take out my phone to quickly text him before he begins driving again.

Ariana: So what's the plan for tonight?

He reads my text before answering me.

"Well, I was thinking a game of bowling sounds fun. It's not romantic, it's something friends can do"He winks and chuckles.

Ariana: I agree

"Alrighty than, we're off"He smiles again and backs out of my driveway. He heads towards the town's bowling center. Along the way, he plays his music. Rock.

I've always hated car rides with him. He never really interacts or talks. He always just jams out to his screeching rock music. And he blares it so loud, people five blocks away can hear us coming.

I feel my phone vibrate and I take it out. I notice a text from Justin, I feel my face light up.

Justin: How's it going? Has he made any moves yet?

I roll my eyes.

Ariana: We are going bowling and no he hasn't made any moves. I told you, he just wants to hang out as friends

Justin: Whatever you say. Call me the second he tries to put his hands on you got it?

Why is he being so over protective? He's acting like he's my dad.

Ariana: Yes sir

I put my phone away and notice we are now rolling up into the parking lot. There are tons of cars, so I expect there must be a lot of people inside.

"Let's go"Brad turns off his car and we both get out. I zip up my jacket a little more and fix my jacket sleeves. I can't have anyone notice the cuts on my arms. I haven't cut in awhile which I'm glad for. The main reason being Justin.

The cuts are still noticeable though, and I'm not taking any chances. Everyday I have worn a sweater, and everyday I will continue to wear one until my cuts are entirely healed.

We walk into the alley and head straight to the counter so Brad can pay.

"Hi, I'm here with a group of friends from school. The name should be under my friend Gabe"He tells the counter woman. What? A group of friends? I thought we were gonna be alone?

"Umm yes, lane twelve"She tells him. "Thank you, we need a pair of bowling shoes. I'm size nine and she's size what?"He turns to me.

I take out my phone and text him my shoe size.

"And size seven"He turns back to the counter woman.

She grabs our shoes from behind her and hands them to us.

"Thank you"Brad tells her and we both walk away and head to lane twelve.

"I hope you don't mind that we'll be joining a few friends"He whispers in my ear before shouting at one of his friends. 


I notice Lexi and a few of the cheer squad here. They all sit in a booth in front of the lane. A few of Brad's basketball friends are here as well.

Well this is just great.

"Ariana what a surprise"Lexi stands up and smiles.

Why would Brad bring me here knowing that me and Lexi aren't the best of friends?

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