Chapter 41. ( Isabella and Caroline )

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'Keep your distance, Aro and don't even think about using any of your tricks.' Maria grabbed Bella's arm and locked her hand around it, Bella winced in pain because of the tight grip. 'If you try anything I will kill her and none of us will have her.'

Aro gave Maria a scrutinizing look.

'What do you want exactly, Maria?'

'I want Coraline of course and I know you have brought her with you, so it is really of no use to hide her.'

Maria chuckled at Aro's surprised face.

'I have underestimated you and your cunning ability to know everything, Maria, but it will not happen again. I don't see any reason why I should just give you Coraline.'

Maria shook Bella in the same way as she once did Liam and Bella was almost irritated enough to give Maria a taste of her power.

'I have the Firstborn and the power. I win, Aro and you lose.'

Aro shook his head.

'You might have her, but your child is a little bit uhm... unpolished. Coraline on the other hand has evolved completely.'

'I know that. The fact remains that we don't have much time. The situation is about to get more complicated and you want to see this as much as I do. Bring me Coraline!'

Bella suddenly began to fear her faith. Maria had something planned for her and Coraline and it couldn't be something good. She was not afraid for her life, but she was afraid for her soul. She glanced around her looking for a way to escape, but saw it was hopeless. She was completely surrounded by her enemies and she had brought it upon herself. She understood the stupidity of her plan now. The warnings had all been apparent in her dreams, Coraline was her demise and she had walked into this trap with her eyes wide open.

Aro was thinking and she could see his eyes glide over her. He would come to the conclusion that he didn't have a choice. He wanted this to happen and if it had to happen under Maria's circumstances then so be it. He gave Felix and Demetri a signal and they both disappeared.

'I am glad you came to this decision.' Maria said and she turned to Bella. 'Are you ready, girl, because it is almost time.'

Bella shivered and wished she had thought things through better. In her mind she saw the faces of her family. She would not only lose her soul, she would lose them. She intended to die for them and hoped to be with them in an afterlife, but she now knew she would lose them completely. She might even destroy them herself. She prayed they would seek a safe haven, somewhere far away and hidden. Her heart bounced erratically. She had to do something. Time was running out. She could freeze Maria and make a run for it, but she knew she wouldn't even be able to set two steps in front of her without being caught by at least ten vampires. Why wasn't she stronger?

The sounds of a childish voice she knew well startled her. She was out of time.

Aro turned to the child that came from the bushes. She ran towards him in a blur before Bella's eyes.

'My child, turn around and look. I promised you your sister and here she is.'

The childish chuckle was followed by piercing eyes in Bella's direction.

'She looks so different father, are you sure that is her?'

'Positive child, go play with her.'

Bella braced herself, biting on her lip. She was so afraid she could scream. Coraline took a few steps towards her, but hesitated.

'I don't feel her, father. She is empty.'

Coraline turned back to Aro and her eyes were big with doubt.

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