Chapter 30. ( Defenseless )

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He was alone and he was lost. The roots that kept him on this earth was lying next to him in the hospital bed. He listened to the sound of her heartbeat, echoed by the machine she was attached to. It was strong and steady, but he feared the coma she was in now. She hadn't moved for twenty-four hours. Too close had she come to her death and it suffocated him.

'Please, be alright.' He whispered, choking on his words.

She will pull through, Edward.

Carlisle had joined him in the room.

'Is that your professional opinion or is it what you hope?' He asked.

'It is what I believe.' Carlisle said the words aloud to emphasize the meaning.

Bella has unbelievable healing capacities. Remember?

He did remember, but it didn't relief him of his anxiety. Carlisle had explained to everybody exactly what condition Bella was in. She had strained her body to the point of overachievement when she shielded them all. Carlisle explained it as running the marathon in a winning time without training. Edward knew that could definitely kill a human. Her high blood pressure caused some veins in her eyes to tear, hence the bleeding of her eyes. Her body's natural defenses caused her to shut down. It was the only way to protect the brain.

Alice came into the room holding Jasper's hand. She beamed while she darted closer.

'Bella is going to be fine.' She said with a broad smile.

Edward arched his eyebrow at her.

You'll see, Edward. Trust me.

He did trust Alice and felt some of his anxiety go away. He studied Bella intently, looking for changes in her condition.

'Emmett, Rose and Esme are on their way back here. I called them.'

They had left an hour ago to arrange some things at home, but Edward knew they would be rushing back as fast as possible.

Any minute now... Alice thought.

Edward braced himself, his eyes only on Bella. The minutes passed and they seemed hours. He held his breath and waited some more, until he saw her fingers twitch. Her breathing was irregular for a few breaths and then she opened her eyes. Everyone around her sighed in relief.

'Bella.' Edward said softly, his voice thick with emotion.

She looked around her in confusion and opened her mouth to speak, but Alice kissed her face in multiple places. Bella smiled.

'Hi Alice.' She said happy.

Edward had never felt this relieved in his entire life. Jasper explained to Bella what had happened and why she was in the hospital, while Carlisle checked her out. Edward followed Carlisle's thoughts.

Blood pressure is back to normal, heartbeat is steady. Her eyes are healed, incredible! I wonder...

Carlisle began to undress her bloody cuts from their bandages and inspected the wounds.

Exactly as I thought. This is amazing!

Edward checked the wounds for himself and saw the perfectly normal human skin. It was as if they were never there, as if she was never wounded at all. Carlisle caught his eyes.

Like I said, incredible healing capacities.

Regeneration of her perfect human form was perhaps a better term. The extent of Bella's gifts impressed Edward and Carlisle alike. Was there anything she couldn't do?

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