Chapter 11. ( Faith )

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This is not good. Alice thought. I can warn us if Aro ever finds out, but what are we going to do about it?

She was checking out Jasper who was cradling Bella in the back of the room. Bella was completely calm and holding onto him.

Edward, do you know what is wrong with Jazz? I'm worried.

Jasper's face had guarded expression. Edward tried to read his mind. His thoughts were jumbled and he was subconsciously using his powers. Everyone in the room relaxed and calmed down when a wave of Jasper's powers hit the room. He add so much invoked in calming himself down that he calmed everybody down instead. Edward could not understand Jasper yet, he didn't seem to understand his reaction himself. Jasper needed some time and this was not a conversation to be held at this moment anyway. He shrugged to Alice to tell her to let it go and she did.

A little bit later Bella was surrounded by the Denali's. They were all laughing. Bella was telling them about her life and she was now telling them how Emmett accidentally hit a baseball through the house, breaking two windows and a vase, which of course brought him the wrath of Esme. Bella was having a lot of fun watching her tell the story. They were already smitten with her and Edward smiled. I didn't take much to be wrapped around Bella's finger. No one seemed to be able to escape that fate.

His family had scattered around the house, except Jasper, who still hovered protectively around Bella. Jasper understood his reaction better now, so Edward did too, but he left it to Jasper to explain when they had the opportunity to talk. The day passed quickly with the Denali's talking and playing with Bella, who enjoyed the company of her new friends very much. Both Edward and Jasper had warned Kate three times to stay out of physical context range of Bella. They didn't want her accidentally shocked. Kate gave them sour looks at first. After the third time she had given them a very agitated look. Edward was Afars she was going to shock one or both of them if they would dare to warn her one more time. She did do what she was asked and kept her distance. He had to give her credit, since that was not an easy task. Bella was free in her movement and she had a tendency to touch the people she liked. She seemed to like Kate a lot. Kate however managed to avoid contact.

When it was time for Bella to go to bed, Jasper brought her upstairs and the Denali's decided to go hunting for a few hours. Edward was relieved. His family needed to talk without their visitors present. He assumed they realized that and was grateful for their tactful disappearance.

As soon as Bella was asleep and the Denali's were gone, they gathered around in the dining room and sat around in their favorite table, used only when they wanted to discuss something. Jasper had been dragged away from Bella by Alice. She had lost her patience with his new obsession and wanted to know what was with him. The rest of his family had the same thought.

Jasper was drawing in a deep breath.

'I have told you all about my past with Maria, but I never told anyone this, not even Alice.' He said.

His eyes went to Alice and she gave him a sad look.

'It wasn't intentional, Alice. I never really understood until now.' Jasper said.

She nodded to him and grabbed his hand.

'It was near the end of my time with Maria, Peter had already left with Charlotte. Maria and j were in the middle of one of the worst wars we had fought, when the Volturi  decided to intervene again. Maria was well connected and had a sixth sense about the Volturi, so once again she managed to stay out of the line of fire. With her, I survived too. This time Aro himself travelled with his subjects, which was highly improbable. Maria's interest was piqued. Why would Aro come? He could just let his guard do the dirty work, like always. I don't know how she got the information or how she survived getting near Aro, but somehow she stole his secret. I suspect she might have a gift to know when something interesting comes along and get her hands on it. She was different when she returned, telling me she found a new way to gain power over the other covens. She wouldn't tell me what it was, but from that time on she was distracted, by leaving me to defend our territory. Sometimes she didn't check in me for months. I was getting more and more depressed and thought about ending my existence many times.' His expression became sad.

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