Chapter 33. ( A small tug )

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She woke up gasping. She sat straight, not realizing that her face was still wet from tears. From the state of her bed she knew she had been trashing around again. This dream scared her more than the others. Not the normal, strong emotional pain she had endured from her dreams about her family members, but a sickening fear about the blind evil she had just witnessed.

The girl called Coraline was more than just a vampire with gifts. There was a connection between her and the girl. She didn't understand this connection, but somewhere deep in her heart she knew that this girl was in her blood, poisoning her, infesting the purity of her soul. Coraline was a weapon, made simply to destroy her or turn her towards evil.

She looked up, expecting to see them, but still grateful that they had all gathered around her bed. Her eyes glided from Carlisle's worried look, to Jasper's concentrated look and finally to the most important one, to Edward's. His mouth was formed in a hard line, his brow furrowed and his muscles tensed. She had seen it many times before, every time when she was in some kind of pain. Her body trembled, but she still tried to get up from her bed, showing them she was alright. She knew her eyes were still filled with fear and she tried to hide it.

Her family responded immediately. They closed in towards her and she felt many cold hands on the skin of her face and on her arms, trying to steady her. Rosalie caressed the strands of hair out of her face and Alice kissed her cheek. Esme handed her a glass of water. Jasper held her up and Edward pulled her in his arms as soon as he got the room to do so.

The love that surrounded her spoke volumes and she felt her fear abide. Warmth filled her heart and dispelled the hold Coraline had on her. She wondered if her family realized how many times they had saved her, simply by loving her unconditionally. They had complimented her many times that she had a strong moral sense, but they didn't realize it was all them. Her soul could have been good or evil and because they were good, she was too. Coraline was not so fortunate and Bella pitied her. The hold Coraline could have on her, could never overpower the love of her family and the knowledge calmed her.

Edward let go of her and Carlisle pulled her towards him. He studied her, until he was certain she had calmed down.

'Bella, sweetheart, who is Coraline?' He asked her gently.

She had probably screamed the name aloud during her dream.

'I have told you about the immortal child Aro made.' She explained and Carlisle nodded. 'He named her Coraline.'

She had the attention of everyone in the room.

'Aro believes that with Coraline he has the means to get me. She is more dangerous than any weapon Aro has in his possession, including Jane and Alec.'

Jasper gasped in shock and the rest stiffened. Carlisle was the only one who stayed calm.

'Can we expect Aro and Coraline soon?' He asked in an even voice.

'She is not ready yet, but is developing her gifts quickly. It can't be long.' Bella answered.

'What do you see, Alice?' Edward asked.

Alice concentrated.

'Nothing in the near future. They didn't make a decision to go yet. I will see when they do.'

'What are her gifts?' Jasper asked breathless.

'She has the ability to kill with fear.' Bella hesitated a minute, breathing deeply a few times. 'But what makes her this dangerous is that she will not hesitate to use this power on anyone and anything and she can't be controlled. She has no conscience and no remorse, she is evil in its purest form.'

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