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Welcome to another HOT🔥 session of

Welcome to another HOT🔥 session of

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It is time!

According to the Judges Confessional, one mystery judge is supposed to come here and take the seat in the Confession Room! Guess? Guess! Which Judge have we called up tonight to grace us with their presence??

Comment your guesses HERE!

Now, ladies and Gentlemen, we present to you our Judge for the Night...

Keep scrolling, don't be lazy.

You are almost there... I think.

Okay, before you people hunt me.

Give it up for...


1) You've been labelled the Judge who is a 'silent savage'.😂 What do you have to say about that?

Ans: Honestly, I did not see this title coming at all because I never thought of my reviews or the way I write them as savage. I even thought and I still think that I'm a very nice judge.

2) Tomorrow is the Verdict Day. What should we be expecting? Happiness or tears?😭

Ans: Tears 😭😭 Even as a Judge, I did not see the contestants leaving tomorrow leaving soon, I thought some of them were going to make it to the finals and that brings us to what we've been saying since the competition started; this is a COMPETITION, you can't relent.

3) What would you say about the Teams in this stage? Which one was your favourite??

Ans: Team Two. They shocked me, they blew my mind and their creativity impressed me sooo much. Nah, I love what they did with that entry, it's badass.

Special shout out to team one too even though I want to knock them more than I want to praise them.

4) We heard that the Top 10 League of Pen Masters have been decided. Do you think everyone there earned their spot?

Ans: Yeah, actuallly. Every single person there worked hard and they deserve a spot there.

5) And what about those that got evicted? What would you say about them?

Ans: Some of them tried but it's a competition and there'll always be people that are better than the rest so because you're getting evicted now does not mean you're not good too or something is wrong with your writing, you just need to try harder.

Some contestants tho, did not try at all, they just remained comfortable in their comfort zone and did not even try to grow or get better or challenge themselves. And that's a big shame.

6) A word to all the contestants?

Ans: You guys are amazing and I'm proud of you.

COMMENTARY: Y'all have heard oo, Judge Arundhati Roy said they are the nicest Judge😂

Audience, do you agree?

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