38 19 9

Hello, Cribbers!

We went live for our Eviction Night last night, on our Whatsapp platform, The Main Crib.I hope we didn't miss it because it was so fun😌 courtesy of our Judges🤭

Anyways, we are going to be showing the pen names of the Evicted contestants, and for extra, just like we posted the individual ruling of the Judges for the Green Liners yesterday. We will do the same for the Red Liners today; so if you want to see which judge gave which contestants a YES and which one gave them a NO, You're in the right place 😗


010 Nikki

011 Efin 101

013 The.mini.asthete

015 Thechocolateteen

017 Huntress

018 Blue N' Grey

020 Moonlight Artist

021 Star

025 Tsuki

026 ThatGirl

031 PeanutButter

033 Myyobo

034 Handsomelad42

035 Aang

Unfortunately, two of this contestants couldn't make it to the next stage😪

   --010 Nikki
   --017 Huntress

It was sad to have to come to this decision, but it is what it is. Two contestants have to leave in order for us to proceed to the next stage, and hence, from the Eviction Night last night, the following contestants have 24hours to leave the pen house

And now for the Individual Judges Rulings✨


Judge Maya Angelou: NO.

Judge Shakespeare: NAY. NO.

Judge JK Rowling: No.

Judge Arundhati Roy: NO

Judge James Hardley Chase: No

Judge Karen Kingsbury: NO

Judge Acton Bell: The probability of me saying Yes is very low, so No.

Judge Jane Corry: NO

Judge Jane Austen: Nope.

Results: 0 Yes and 9 No
Judges Verdict: RED LINE 🔴

011 EFIN 101

Judge Maya Angelou: NO

Judge Shakespeare: AYE. YES.

Judge JK Rowling: No

Judge Arundhati Roy: YES

Judge James Hardley Chase: No

Judge Karen Kingsbury:  Yes

Judge Acton Bell: It's a Yes from me.

Judge Jane Corry: No

Judge Jane Austen: No.

Results: 4 Yes and 5 No.
Judges Verdict: RED LINE 🔴


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