{81} A Fight Worth Fighting For

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My dad, Eden, and I told everyone that we were going to go home and grab some games so we wouldn't be bored in the hospital. It took some time to convince Rhett, because he didn't want me to leave, and he was clingy a little. I liked it, though.

It was adorable and warming that he didn't want me to leave. I promised him that I was going to come back to him, and he frowned but finally let me go after Eden kept making fun of him. We walked out of the hospital and we started talking about random things.

I felt a breeze next to me and I saw my mom walking next to me and smiling. When Eden said something funny, she would laugh with us and when one of us talked, she would nod her head in approval and smile. It was like she was actually there. But that time I was the only one who could see her and nobody else.

"So how are you and Cassandra? Is everything going great?" I asked my father and glanced at my mom who was looking down, watching herself walk.

My dad looked at me and smiled. "We're already acting if we're boyfriend and girlfriend," he said and bite his lips.

"What do you mean acting?" I said and gave him a small smirk. He laughed and it looked like he was in deep thought.

"I think she knows I love her," he said, breaking the silence.

"What makes you say that?" I asked and looked at the passing cars.

"I don't know, but I'm taking it slow with her so she can fall in love with me as my regular self."

"You're always your regular yourself, dad."

"No, he's not. He likes to watch cartoons," Eden complained.

"Yeah, because cartoons do make you want to be your regular self. Dad sometimes watches cartoons, dickhead," I said and rolled my eyes.

 "Whatever you say, "normal one"."

We smiled at each other and I grabbed him in a chock hold. He tried pushing me away but he ended up laughing and I heard my mom's chuckles and my dad smiled at us. Eden was always going to be a dickhead.


When my dad unlocked the door, we walked inside and the lights were on. "Eden, did you forget to turn off the lights again?" I asked sternly and looked around the living room.

"No, it wasn't me th-" I heard Eden screamed and I ran into the kitchen to see Eden being held by a person with a knife on his throat. I looked on the ground to see my dad knocked out. I was going to run to him when I heard a click. I looked back to Eden and the person held a gun to my brother's head.

"Don't move, or I'll shoot," the person said. I nodded and Eden looked like he was about to cry.

"Don't cry Eden. Just stay calm," I said softly and the person pointed the gun at me.

"Shut up!" The person screamed and Eden jumped.

I glared at the person and I noticed I never heard his voice before. If he wanted to take our things, then he could. I just wanted Eden and my dad to be safe. What was I supposed to do? There was no use of reasoning with him because he was going to keep screaming at me to shut up. But it wouldn't hurt to try.

"What do you want?" I asked and slowly walked towards them. The guy kept pointing the gun at me and I heard him chuckled.

"I'm doing what a girl can pay me. She said I'll get as money as I can get if I hurt you and I'm planning on doing that."

"What girl?"

There was another click and I stopped. "You don't have to worry about her. Worry about how I'm going to beat your ass." Then in a quick move, Eden grabbed a knife from the knife-block and stabbed him somewhere. The guy screamed and dropped the gun. He let go of Eden and Eden ran towards me. He hugged me and we watched the guy pull the knife out of the side of his stomach. Why were we standing there? We needed to run! I pulled Eden with me upstairs and we ran to my room and locked the door. Heavy footsteps were coming up the stairs and Eden was breathing heavily. I put my hand over his mouth and looked at him in the eyes.

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