Her next game

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Charisma had been pushing herself to the limit. She was really wanting to be out of this and back with her kids. She looked up from the weights bench in the gym to see Lena looking at her. "Wow. How do you manage to just bounce back as quickly as you do?" She said to her.

"I don't wanna miss a thing out there, I need to be there for my kids and my grand babies..  plus I have a business to run, and I also need to deal with this whole Keegan issue and not run away from it.." she told her.

"Yeah. Nash said something about this... plus, I understand that you already know that he knows you're with him...

"Do all of you know how that sounds, I am not with him... He is helping me to get strong... But all this is going to do is infuriate Keegan even more... I can imagine what's going on in his head right now, that me and Nash are together doing the nasty... And it's not like that on my part at all..."

"Sis!.. he almost killed you...

" Trust me, I know what he did because I was the one going through it

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" Trust me, I know what he did because I was the one going through it... But what you need to understand is there is a difference, this was not the Keegan of old who would just come home and beat on me because he was in a bad mood, or because he was feeling like it... There was something truly wrong with him And it wasn't him... He was somewhere in the back of his own head, and someone else was in control of what he was doing... No matter what any of you are trying to do I will always love him, whether you think it's a good thing or a bad thing... You will never change my mind... he will always be a part of me... I am down with having some time out to learn to be stronger physically and mentally... but only when I've seen him and had the chance to talk to him.."

Lena nodded. "I know exactly what you mean... when I was so ready to divorce Jenson over Yasmin.. I was so full of a false confidence.. it was one of the reasons I went to Dinah to hide my fear of being without him... these Taylor men really has us Chavez women all kinds of fucked up..."

"I know... what is the hook... and why is it so hard to move on.." Charisma said.

"I wish I knew... but listen to me.. just sit it out here.. become who you're supposed to be plus you need the break you've been through a lot... Nash is good at what he does.."

"I know... and I will stay here, as I said, then I need to see Keegan..."


".... Mitchel where is your sister?.." Venice asked as he ran out of school.

"Ion know... I don't see her around school... she's in the baby section..."

"Well I know that smart ass!." She said. "But you do always come out of here together at the end of the school day... So why not today?."

"She wasn't there..." he said and shrugged, getting into the car.

Venice walked into the school. "Excuse me.. I'm here to pick up Valentina Diaz?.."

"Oh... i'm afraid she was already picked up earlier today.. a family member who was on the next of kin details list..." the teacher said.

"What?... you let her go with a stranger?.."

"She wasn't a stranger... Valentina knew who she was, and was more than happy to go with her, and as I said her address and all of her details were on the next of kin contact list..."

Venice just stood in shock like the whole world has gone in slow motion. "Show me now who the fuck this person was..."

The teacher brought out the details on the laptop in front of her. "Here, Charisma Fraser..."

"That is not Charisma Fraser... oh my god....


"... Julian.. Jayrah is not at the school...


" no one knows where she is not even the teachers... What the fuck is going on and where the fuck is our baby girl?..."


"... I didn't lose her Josh..." Kat snapped. "She just isn't here... the school are pulling the CCTV.."

"Im on my fucking way!.." Josh snapped.


"Do something Lamar.... Amie can't have just disappeared!..."

Lamar was shocked. "Ill get Shelby on to it.. Stay where you are...I'm on my way..."


"This isn't the way to my mommy's house..." Valentina said.

" I want to go home" Amie said.

Mika looked out of the window. "I want my daddy.."

Jayrah's chin wobbled. "Me too..."

"Oh come on girls... we're going to have some fun. I have been waiting so long to get to know my great grand daughters ..." Yasmin said with a wide smile as she was driven with the girls out of Canada.

"I think Ice cream and Cola all round for all of us will make you all feel better

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"I think Ice cream and Cola all round for all of us will make you all feel better... and all of your mommies know exactly where you are, so you need to stop worrying we're gonna have some good times together.." Yasmin said and looked out of the window with a smirk.

This is the end of this book. Queens of the game book 1 will be up soon.

What happens to Charisma and Keegan?

What happens with Nash and Keegan?

Will the baby girls of the family be found?

What will become of Yasmin?

And a new enemy is in town

All this and more coming soon....

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