When you know

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"... she's in the fucking air.. destination looks to be Albania...

"What the fuck!." Lamar said. "Seriously!.."


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"Mar... we need to get the closest team to that location to be on alert and looking for her...

"And where are you right now?.." Lamar asked Venice.

"Me.." she looked at Coley and Michael sitting against the wall, bound and beaten. "Oh I'm just dealing with the trash..."

She ended the call and looked at Coley. "And all the time I believed that you were some hot shot... And it turns out that you are a pussy being run by your younger brother" she said, shaking her head with a smile. "You are going to take us to him, you are going to help us get our sister back.... And then I'll decide what needs to happen to yo sorry ass after that.." she told him.

"He's crazy... like beyond crazy... The business was mine. He overthrew me, he wanted all of the power, but he let it go to his head. He went beyond selling narcotics and started trafficking.. the people he was mixing with, gave him the power to think that he could do anything and be anyone... I will gladly help you take him down, and I'm not greedy... I will work alongside you, and keep my business to my business... I just want my business back...

"You see, it's gonna be really hard to believe you, because that is the same bull that Damien gave us, he didn't want to be part of your gang anymore" she said sarcastically. "He wanted us to help him get away from you... So which one do we really believe, for all we know you could be on the same game as him..."

"... he's not.." Michael said. "Damien is crazy.."
Venice looked at the youngest brother, he had ADHD and other issues but he wasn't in the game and she could feel an air of truth in his words.


".... Charisma..."
Charisma had drifted off to sleep. "Charisma..."
She woke hearing the nurse call her name for the second time.
"I just wanted to tell you that the results of the kit showed us that there were no signs of penetration or semen on you at all.."

"Thank god!.." she looked around for Keegan. "My husband.. he must have gone to get a drink or something...

"No.. he's gone.. he said he will call later.." she smiled. "But you are free to go.. the bruise on your neck will fade gradually over the coming days... but all other signs are good... so that means you're going to be okay.."

"Thank you.." she said and got off of the bed to get dressed into some clothes that Venice had had dropped into her earlier.
She took the cellphone that Keegan had dropped off earlier for her which was a complete clone of her old phone. She called her husband. The phone rang and rang and eventually went to voicemail.

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