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Damien was completely blind sided as Dinah rallied the girls together to get them free with Julian and Josh. Charisma and Lamar took the house by storm. Shooting everyone in their path. Until all that was left was Damien.
Lamar knew his mom needed this closure. She walked up to him. "You think you're slick... you got one over on me but trust me that is the one and only time that will ever happen.." she said as she walked close to him her gun on him.

"Did Coley cry like a bitch..

"Coley is promising a lot once I've gotten rid of you...

"You can't get rid of me.. you don't know where Payton is right now.." he smirked his gold teeth glistening.

" he smirked his gold teeth glistening

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"Oh really.." Charisma called Josh on her cell. "Son, how are the girls?.."

"All good.. we've got all of em including Payton..."

Charisma closed the call. She smiled at a not so smug Damien. "Now, my only mistake last time was allowing you the time to dupe me... this time I'm prepared and you are all out of options... and just to make your day even worse I'm blaming my divorce on you... you made me look like a low down novice.. and I can't have that.." Jago flicked her a blade that was concealed in a sleeve.

She walked over to Damien Jago and Lamar grabbed him and held him as Charisma took down his sweats and his boxer shorts. She grabbed his dick in her gloved hand. "This is for screwing my daughter and getting her pregnant.." she sliced his dick off like she was slicing a banana.

Damien's screams were blood curdling. "You fucking... BITCH... FUCKKKK!.." he yelled, the sweat in beads on his forehead as he bled out.

"I bet you didn't ever think your dick would get you into so much trouble that you would end up losing it.. huh!." She laughed.

She then beat him over and over. All the frustration all of the mess that her life was in right now was being taken out on him. Lamar watched her, he knew his mother was in pain. He knew she was in her feelings over Nash dying and divorcing Keegan.
By the time she had finished with him Damien was no more than a mangled pulp on the floor.

She finished him off with a slice across his throat with the blade she had cut his dick off with. She then threw the knife down and walked out.

Dinah caught her up as the girls had been taken to the authorities and Payton was with Julian and Josh in one of the cars. "Boss, are you.. I'm not gonna say okay cos I can clearly see that you're not.. but I'm here for you if you need me.."

"I lost the two men I loved most in the world in the space of 3 days... Nash was like my best friend, my confidante.. I know he wanted more than that but my love for Keegan was too much... and as for Keegan." She shook her head. "I thought coming to Canada was the real change, the turn of the tide but... I was so wrong Dinah.. how could I have been so wrong..."

Dinah rested her hand on her arm. "I can't believe that he said those things to you.. he swore to me that he loved you more than anything...

"How can he call it love.. that is what I don't understand.. how can he call the way treats me, love?.." she said with honesty. She sighed. "He's seen the divorce papers.. I know he's gonna wanna talk...

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