Growing rage

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Keegan had slept most of the afternoon. The changes and adjustments to his meds were making him drowsy. He woke up and saw that he had a couple of missed calls and messages. First off was a voicemail from Chelsea, the manager of his club.

"Boss, your wife was here, she seemed to think that Diamond and Gi-Gi's babies are yours.. she talked to them and was a lil off..I just thought you should know.."

Keegan shook his head. He then saw Charisma's message and he grew agitated. He called her. She never picked up.
"Charisma.. why the fuck would I let them girls parade around my kids?... fuck C! What the fuck is going on? They are not my kids.. I've done some fucked up shit but I never slept with those girls, not once... shit! What the fuck, you're not gonna believe me anyway..." he rambled into his voicemail message. He ended the call.

He stood up and started pacing the room, he had to get out to see charisma, she wasn't going to come to him, so he knew he needed to go to her to clear this mess up, because he had not slept with those girls, and those babies were not his, and he was starting to feel like the walls were closing in on him And there was nothing he could do to salvage his marriage, which was what he desperately wanted.

He was about to step out when the door opened and Jenson was shown in. "Dad?.."

"What's up with you?

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"What's up with you?..." Jenson said seeing how agitated he was.

"She's divorcing me, I can't get through to her... I don't even know what the fuck is happening to me right now.. I feel like I'm out of control and unable to stop myself... I was never this bad before the medication, now she seems to think that I've impregnated every fucking woman that she comes across... It's a mess Dad, and I need her, I fucking love her with all I've got... What the fuck is happening to me?" He said looking at his father to give him the answers, because he was desperately trying to understand where he had gone so wrong.

"The nurses said that you already had visitors, who has been here to see you...

"Lani... And Yazmin... I don't know why she thinks she can just rock up here, trying to take over... You need to make it clear to that woman that I don't want anything to do with her, she is not my mother, as far as I'm concerned, she may have given birth to me, but she never raised me, or was anywhere near me... I need you to help me Dad, because I'm losing control... I don't know how to handle this.."
Keegan was in pain and Jenson could see it.

"What are the doctors saying about the medication that you're taking?"

"They don't understand, because as far as they're concerned they should be helping to calm me down and make me think more clearly... But they seem to be having the complete opposite affect, I can't think clearly, it's as if someone is taking over my fucking body and mind... I can see and hear myself do these fucked up things and I saw me break her heart, and I couldn't do anything... it was as if I was trapped inside of myself...

"Son, you need to fight this... you know that you can fight anything, you need to pull out all the stops for this...

"I'm coming off the medication completely, I was never this bad... I have to come off of it...

"You can't do that, the side-effects from the sudden loss of the chemical could send you off into a psychotic break... And no one will be safe, because you are a crazy mother fucker Keegan with or without meds.." his father told him.

"I got to get to C... I've got to... I can't lose her dad.. I can't..."
Jenson was shocked at this complete swing, his son who was so together and on top of everything, was now rambling, fidgety, his mind went from one thing to another and his eyes darted back and forth.

Jenson left the room to speak to Keegan's doctor. He found him by the nurses desk. "Hey doc... what the hell is going on with him?.."

"He's not adapting to the meds like we thought he would.. but it is difficult to understand why.. there are some anomalies in his markers... it's strange as if his meds are being messed with..a dose up on what he should be on..."

"But how is that possible while he's here?.."

"We're not saying that is what it is but  that is how it seems... we've needed to lower the dose that is why he is up and down right now..."

"He needs to come off of the meds.. if it's not working he needs to come off.. he is worse than he has ever been... tell me a safe way he can come off of them.." Jenson said worriedly. Knowing Keegan was borderline psychotic right now and how dangerous that could be for anyone in his path.


Charisma heard a knock at the door she opened up to Dinah and Wesley. "What can I do for you two?." She said letting them through as she baked cakes for Valentina, Jayrah, Amie and Mika. She had the younger grand daughters for the night she needed to absorb herself in them with everything else that had gone on recently.

"We have just heard from Chelsea... she was saying some shit about you going off thinking that Diamond and Gi-Gi are Keegan's baby mamas.." Wesley said.

"Well aren't they!

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"Well aren't they!." Charisma said.

"No C... they're not.." Wesley said. "Look, I know you're going through it with him at the moment but I won't have you thinking that he is out here disrespecting you on that level... you know him better than that..

"Do I.. really!.." Charisma said. "He told me to my face that he was going elsewhere.. so how do I know that he hasn't been doing it for years with these ho's..."

"Gee.." Dinah said. "That isn't fair.. he hasn't been doing it for years.. even I know he is all about you.. Diamond and Gi-Gi are more scared of him than to even think about getting involved with him in that way...

"Has he sent you both?... because he wants to stall signing those divorce papers..." she shook her head.

"C.. he is not himself...

"So y'all are here to tell me that I need to back down and let him talk to me the way he does and act the way he does.. just put up and shut up.. right?... he blew that the second he mocked me and said my scars were ugly and made him want to sleep with other women... there is no coming back from that..." she paused. "I'll go and see him myself and clear this up once and for all..."
She ushered them both out and watched them leave and then as soon as she had shut the door the door bell rang again.

She opened up to see Yasmin looking at her. "Well aren't you gonna invite me in?.. I think we need to talk don't you!.." she said shoving her way in....


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