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Keegan knew he had to hide Charisma's body, after he had spent some time with her, lying next to her silently. He headed out to the drive, got in her car and pulled it up around the back of her place. He went back upstairs and carried her in his arms as if he was rescuing her. He popped the trunk and laid her in the back. He did all of this on auto, like someone else had taken over and knew just what to do.

He got in the drivers side of the car and drove her out of the place through the back entrance. He drove as if he never had a dead body in the trunk of the car, taking his time, with the car stereo on.

After a while he pulled into a secluded wooded area behind his own home. He pulled the car up close to the verge and he carried Charisma from the car to the verge up in the tress not far from the hot springs they had both enjoyed each other in the grounds of his home.

He put her body on the ground and went back to the house to get a shovel. It didn't take him long to find it and he then set about digging a grave for her. "You're final resting place is gonna be right here.. in our home.. I know you liked the springs.. so you can forever see it.." after he had dug down deep enough, he sat up on the side. He looked at Charisma. She looked beautiful, just like she was sleeping.

He touched her face and closed his eyes

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He touched her face and closed his eyes. "What am I gonna do without you C... look at this crazy ass shit that you've got me doing..." he kissed her forehead and pulled her body into the grave he had dug.

He looked down at her one more time he threw the chain in on top of her that she had bought for him. "Just remember I'm always gonna be with you... there is no need to feel lonely out here... I love you.." he said and began to fill the hole back over with the shovel.

No sooner had he finished than he could see through the archway a car pulling up in his drive. He left the shovel where it was and walked down to the back of his house. He took off his treads and walked to the front door as if he had been inside all along.
He waited for his security to call him. Which they did.
"Boss... Yasmin is here to see you.."

"Let her on up to the house." He said.

He then walked to the front door and opened it. His mother walked over to him from security. She smiled. "How are you son?."

"Just going through the motions you know... I've stopped taking the meds.. I couldn't take 'em anymore... it was fucking with me..." he looked at her. "But everyone was telling me that you were fucking with my dose..." he said narrowing his eyes at her.

"What!." She looked at him and shook her head. "Why would I do that to you, and even how would I do it?" She sighed. "That bitch ass wife of yours... and her sister.... They are out to get me, because I have feelings for your father, because I want to be a mother to you and be in your life... I have done nothing wrong for them to come at me this way.." she said and sat on the sofa with false tears falling, she put her head in her hands. "I just want a relationship with my son.. and all they are doing is trying to stop me... I am not going to take you away from her!..."

Keegan poured himself a Henny, he gently swirled the liquor in the glass and sipped it. He looked at his mother. "I signed the papers... I'm not fighting for this relationship anymore...

Yasmin stood up and went to him, she held both of his hands. "Oh, my God baby, I'm so sorry... I know how much you love her...."

"I've done everything possible to save the marriage but she is just so fucking stubborn... so I'm too long in the tooth to keep fighting her..."

"She never loved you baby

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"She never loved you baby... she was all about Nash.. surely you could see that, I had only been in your life a short time and I could see it."

"I knew they had feelings for each other, but I did everything in my power to block it out. She was my wife, he was my uncle, but I couldn't stop feeling that they wanted each other. It was her fault, I slept around!!.... it was her fault That I took everything out on her!....It was pure fucking frustration because I knew I wasn't the man she wanted.." he said yelling, raising his voice.

"Okay.. i'm going to need you to calm down son.. and listen to me... in a couple of weeks, once the medication has completely come out of your system you're going to feel like the old you again, you will see everything much more straight and for what it is... She was toxic, her sister is toxic... I do not want my son dragged down by the likes of her.. so you need to make sure that you stay away from her...."

"Yeah.. that will definitely be happening.." he said and just stared.

The worst thing at this point was that Keegan was going through the start of his withdrawal, coupled with the higher dose of the anti psychotics his mother had been managing to slip him. Now his alter ego, the callous, cruel and calculated personality that shielded him from pain and hurt was in full control and the true Keegan was trapped inside and had no idea that he had just taken his wife's life and buried her in his own gardens.

"I'm here for you Keegan... not one other person seems to be on your side... That is why I'm glad I am here, because I can make that change.." she told him.


Lena had finally arrived in Canada, she had one of Jenson's associates pick her up from the airport, and drive her at speed to the address that Yasmin was said to be living in.
"I'm gonna need you to wait here for me." She told the driver loading her gun.

"I'll be right here..."

Lena got out of the car and made her way towards the back of the apartment by taking the side alleyway

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Lena got out of the car and made her way towards the back of the apartment by taking the side alleyway. She didn't want to be seen entering from the front. She crept and kept her self on the down low. She snuck over the back fence and checked in the windows. She could see there was no movement inside. Nobody was home. She took out her cell phone and she called Jensen.
"Sup baby?."

" She's not at the goddamn address... I need to find charisma I'm going to go and see her first... We can both deal with Yasmin together I'm here now.."

"Okay.. be safe... and if you do come across Keegan, make sure that you give him a wide berth at the moment, he is going to be on a huge come down from not being on the medication anymore and that is just gonna screw with his mind... and the Lord only knows what he's capable of in that state...." He told her.....

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