A dark day pt2

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The service was amazing, Nash's daughters sang, and everyone paid their respects to a well liked and well respected man. Jenson took to the podium. He stood for a second and looked at the people in front of him, so many people were standing as there weren't enough seats.

"I'm just looking around here and can see just how popular Nash was. Especially with the ladies." He said nodding his head to the far corner where a fair few women and girls were sat. That raised a small laugh from everyone as they knew how he was.
"But as you all know Nash was a free spirit.. his words to me as a kid was that he didn't want to marry anyone or bring kids into the business.. of course he did, because life has a way of changing everything along the way... and he had 6 beautiful kids.. all blessings, assets and amazing reminders of the man that he was. I'm biased when it comes to my brother, it is no secret that he was the foundation of the whole Taylor organisation, he founded the business from a teenager and pushed me to the top and even began to do that with Keegan, my son, because he saw potential in people and he worked with them to get them where they needed to be....Never have I had anyone back me in that way, be one hundred percent loyal to me for my whole life, even from us being kids.
He was a wise man... he knew when things were dangerous, and about to pop off, many times I didn't listen but he always had my back. It's crazy that he's gone I still can't believe it. But I'm a better man for having Nash in my life, he made life bearable when things were bad for me, I will always have him in my heart, and never, ever forget him..."

Lena wiped a tear from her eye. This was it, he was gone, reality was finally hitting for a few people. Nash wasn't coming back.

Keegan looked across at Charisma, she was just staring at the floor.

As soon as the service was over and Nash was laid to rest, people began to make their way out.
Keegan followed Charisma. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her out of view of everyone else.
"Owww!.. let go of me!." She said trying to pull away from him.

"I'm not divorcing you..

She shook her head. "Keegan do what you want okay.. you can't make me be with you either.." she said angrily.

"Why won't you listen to me.. huh!.. why have you got to keep pushing me...

"Please let go of me...

"You are the root of my problems.. you.. you're the reason I'm where I'm at.. because I love you hard... but you can't even love me the same way...

"Are you for real?." She said shoving him in his chest with her free hand. Tears welling in her eyes. "I gave you all of me, all that I had Keegan.. since I was 21 years old... I have fought and fought to be what you wanted and needed.. you killed our babies, almost killed me on more than one occasion, but I stayed... because I wanted to fight for us... you have had more women than I can even count, while we've been together.. and I have lived with it and had it rubbed in my face... you took up with a beautiful girl, you paraded her around on your arm, took her to events, loved her and cherished her,  and never once raised your hand to her.. but me, you never hesitated, you beat me, humiliated me and if I ran from you, you would just find me, and bring me back to do the whole fucking cycle all over again... I CANT DO IT ANYMORE... can't you see that?.."

"At a time when I find out that I've got this illness and I need you more than ever

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"At a time when I find out that I've got this illness and I need you more than ever... what do you do huh?.. you fucking bail on me....

"You are cheating on the regular... hurting me with your words.. what do you expect...

"And that shit from Nash...

"Oh my god!.. you're not even listening to me now... you want to know why I went to Nash about you... because he was the only one that would talk straight... he knew how terrified I was of you and your moods and somehow he just made me feel as if I could persevere and everything would be fine... he pushed me and you to be happy and together for years despite his love for me... and why?... because he knew that it was you I loved.. he heard it enough, he saw my heart break and my tears over you... I had no one else to talk to.. and I was scared, so scared sometimes of you.. I didn't know where else to turn.." she said and sobbed.

Keegan looked at her. "C I'm gonna change... I'm doing it now.. I'm getting help...

She shook her head. "No Keegan.. I can't.. I just can't do it anymore...." She sobbed.

Keegan leaned in to her, close to her ear. "Remember that I told you, you would always be mine... you need to remember that Charisma.. I keep my promises... the only way you will ever truly leave me is the day you die..." he told her, he looked at her and left her sobbing as he walked away from her.


Lena saw Keegan emerge from the shadows. He walked over to the rest of them. "Have you seen Charisma?."

"No" he said, with certainty. "Let's go do this wake Nash style... let's get fucked up!.."

"I second that." Jenson said, as every single person was invited back to Lena's bar which had been booked out for the afternoon and evening for the wake.

Charisma waited until the main bulk of people had left. Storm was just about to get into one of the cars to follow. "Charisma.. do you want to ride with us?.."

She smiled hiding her puffy face. "No, I'm fine.. I'm probably gonna head straight back home..."

"Well, okay.. but you know where we are if you change your mind." She said and the car pulled away.

Charisma was left alone, she stayed by Nash's plot. "Help me.." she said looking at his plot. A tear fell on to her cheek. She knew she was in for a hell of a battle with Keegan and she had no one she could turn to now who would be able to talk Keegan down.


"... you know I always get what I want.." Yasmin said as she lit a cigarette after the marathon sex session she had just had.
"You can take her down right?."


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"Yasmin.. I need something concrete okay.. I can't just put her away.."

She took a few puffs on her cigarette and she put it out. "How about you go back under the covers and show me some of that tongue action agent..." she winked and bit her lip. "Because I think I know a way to get her ass life in jail too... and I am going to enjoy putting Charisma behind bars and away from my son..."

Raheem slid down under the covers. He ate his mother in law good, she moaned and made him work hard on her. Yasmin didn't care about a single person or thing. She cared only for her son and Jenson. she wanted Keegan to be her keeper, look after his mother so she no longer had to strive for money. And she wanted Jenson between her legs on a regular, now she had gotten a taste of him again, she was going all out. But in order for it to be that way she had to get rid of the threats and obstacles. Raheem did as Yasmin wanted, Drea had no idea it was this way. Her husband screwing her mother behind her back, she believed in Raheem, he was just caught up in the lust and action....

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