a dangerous woman

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".... Dad...

"Sup Shelby.." Keegan answered.

"There is some very suspicious activity happening on your accounts right now...

"What type of activity?" Keegan said sitting up listening.

"A significant amount of money has left the account this morning, it's gone to an offshore... At the moment, it's untraceable, the documentation has been filed... It looks as if we have some new investor in the organisation...

"A fucking investor? What the fuck do I need an investor for? You need to get to the bottom of this, this is going to be yo sole purpose for the rest of this day to find out what the fuck is going on"

"I'm on it, I will get to the bottom of it, I promise... If you ask me, I think you know who is behind this"

"yeah, trust me, I know and she is playing with fire.." he replied and ended the call.
"FUCKING BITCH!." He snapped, punching the sofa next to him. He knew that this had everything to do with Yasmin, she had gone into hiding, but was still managing to pull strings from where ever she was. He had no idea what she thought she could gain from it, because the further she was getting herself into this, the more she was making him hate her.

He text Shelby back.

Where is Charisma, you know I need to know, and I need to know that today too.


Julia, Charisma's nurse helped her out of bed and to her feet. "Now take it easy.. don't rush this okay.. and be prepared for it to be minimal for now.. don't get down because you can't run before you walk.. your mind and body needs to be re-taught"

Charisma held on to her as she stood on her own two feet for the first time in weeks. Her legs felt like jelly, as she looked down she saw the faded bruising and cuts. She swallowed hard as the slightest thing took her mind right back to that day. His eyes, he was vacant and so cold, she couldn't get through to him and he just kept coming at her. She closed her eyes and she breathed deeply. She tried with Julia's help to put one foot in front of the other.

Nash was standing in the doorway watching. "She's up!." He said. Charisma looked at him and smiled faintly. "It's good to see you up... this is what I love about you.. yo determination"

Charisma concentrated on the basics of just walking and Nash smiled to himself as he knew she was strong enough to fight all the way back from this.

Nash's cell rang. "Bro.. what can I do for you?."

"Keegan is going off.. you need to be wary he will find you.." Jenson said.

"Trust me, I don't doubt it.. he's too good not to.." he laughed. "And I'm prepared... does he know I'm alive?.."

"Nope.. he is going to be shocked to hell when he sees you.. he's also gonna think...

"That me and C are at it and we're not.. he will learn that quite quickly.."

"How is she doing?.."

" She's up and about today, which is more than I could've asked for... I would say it would be good for someone to come and visit her, but I think the minute someone gets the lowdown on the location it's gonna be open to everybody and in order for me to train her properly and get her head in the right space, it needs to be just us at this very point in time.."

"You do what you have to do Nash, I know that you're capable of leading and doing this.." Jenson said. " I just wanted to give you the heads up on Keegan.."

Nash spoke to his brother for a while longer, and then the call ended, he headed straight over to where Charisma was to give her the motivation to keep going.


"... I need to see you...

"Raheem, you need to go home to my daughter and keep her happy... I don't need you anymore.." Yasmin said to him on the phone. "And if I do, I will be in contact with you, not the other way round..."

Raheem looked at Marlon and Keegan as she ended the call. "She obviously has someone else at her beck and call now, I'm not going to be needed anymore... So I don't know how I can help you!" He said.

"Who is she working with that she is getting to invest in my organisation.. for big pay outs..." Keegan said to him, leaning over the table and staring at him, almost nose to nose.

Raheem sighed. " When we were together, she used to leave the room to take phone calls... I listened a couple of times, and overheard the name Richardson... I have no idea who this person is, she never involved me in those conversations... She always had an agenda, and she uses person by person to get where she wants to be"

Keegan slapped the back of his nephews head hard. "For a fucking fed, you are as dumb as fuck... How could you let her do this to you...

"Hold up a second, how could you let her do it to you... I have to rebuild with my wife and my kids, and I don't even know how I'm gonna do that... I cheated on her with her mother... But you... you beat the living shit out of your wife, based off of what Yasmin did to you.... So tell me, who is dumb as fuck now.."

Marlon raised his eyebrows, and said nothing, Raheem was speaking the truth. They both had been duped by the same woman, and they were both men from the same family.
"She must've been fucking planning this for years" Keegan said shaking his head. "For everything to go the way that she planned it without a hitch, she must've watched us, she must've seen me building my own organisation, she must've seen the weaknesses... She definitely saw the issues that me and charisma were having and she played on them... vindictive bitch!." He snapped.

" You and Raheem weren't the only ones to be fucked over by this bitch, Jensen also almost lost his wife, and as for Nash" he said looking at Raheem. "If it wasn't for his slick talk... He would be a deadman by now... I think we all need to take a step back, and realise that Yasmin is fucking dangerous..."

Keegan looked at Marlon. "Nash.. Nash isn't dead?.."
Marlon closed his eyes as he realised he had said that about Nash with the wrong person being present. He went quiet.
"UNC... answer me, is Nash still alive?"

Marlon looked at his nephew. "He got away with his life, we had no idea until he turned up out of the blue a few days ago... He had been fucking with one of the female guards, and had made friends with some of the male guards, and Nash being Nash got him self out of the situation..."

Keegan shook his head. "Of course he fucking did... And he turned up just a few days ago, when Charisma, miraculously disappeared ... She's with him....isn't she?"

Marlon shook his head. " Not in the way that you are thinking... You need to give that girl a break"

"I am sick of this family fucking with me, she is my wife, I have to talk to her... And I will not move over so he can muscle his way in... Because that is all this is about, and the fucker will not stop until he has my wife.. y'all are so fucking stupid that you can't see it..."
His anger was growing.

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