The devil in her eyes

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"You can't just walk in here you know...

Yasmin turned and faced Charisma. "Is this a game to you? I don't know anyone that would file for divorce while their spouse is in fucking rehab trying to get better"

 "Is this a game to you? I don't know anyone that would file for divorce while their spouse is in fucking rehab trying to get better"

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"Miss me with this bullshit!" Charisma snapped. "You have absolutely no idea what I've been through with your son... who the hell are you to come in here shouting the odds at me. Maybe if you had been there for him in the very beginning, he wouldn't be in the situation that he is in right now and I wouldn't have been in this situation where he feels it's fine to cheat on me and treat me like shit...

"My son, is in bits because you keep messing with his head and his heart... I see you; you are just like your sister. You both think that you are high and mighty because you got your claws into men with money, astute businessmen...

"Please!" Charisma said holding her hand up to Yasmin's face. "You clearly know nothing" she shook her head. "Where was all this energy when your son was being beaten by his so-called father, and where was this energy when he was taken to a cabin and used by a Councilman when he was just a child... where the fuck were you when he really needed his mother, when he needed some guidance and help? Huh?"

Yasmin just looked at her. "I didn't know about that"

"Exactly... you left your kids to be raised by someone else... you washed your hands of them because you wanted better things for yourself... that's the type of selfish person you are... I love Keegan, you will never know how much, but because of his issues and his stubbornness I have to take a break, a clean break... he has broken me time and time again, and I blame you for all of it...

Yasmin glared at her. "What the fuck did you just say"

"At first, I blamed Erin, but seeing as you're the one that carried him, birthed him and then just left him... I BLAME YOU!" Charisma snapped.

"YOU are nothing but a fucking bitch Charisma... I hate that he is married to you... you don't deserve my son... I heard he beat you; I think you deserved it, every single time... I know how you were with Nash too, you're a slut... a dirty lil tramp... and my son needs to beat it outta you...

Charisma grabbed her hair and flung her head against the wall, the thud as her head hit the wall was loud. "Don't come into my home and come for me bitch" Charisma snapped. "I will hurt you... I will ruin you... get the fuck out... I am about to have my granddaughters arrive for the evening; I do not want your sorry ass here!"

Yasmin looked at Charisma with blood running down the side of her face from where she had hit the wall. "What are you gonna do now Nash has gone?" she smirked. "You can't hurt my son with yours and Nash's sick games anymore... such a shame that that fed had so much on Nash... even stuff that wasn't supposed to be pinned on him, but hey, at least he's gone now... you slut!"

Yasmin left quickly and Charisma was left wondering what she meant by what she had said about Nash. "Watch your back bitch!." She said to herself with a smirk.

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