Bossin up

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Lena pulled up outside of the address that she now had for Yasmin based off of the phone conversations that she knew would talk place between Drea and Raheem or Yasmin after her impromptu visit."come on then mother fuckers.." she said to herself and sat back to wait.

She checked in with Skye and Storm. She wanted to make sure that they were okay, and that Nash's kids were too.
"Oh mom I forgot to say.. Shanae was here earlier." Storm said. "She seemed like she had something on her mind.. she was actually looking for you... but as soon as she realised that you weren't here, she was gone quicker than lightning.."

"Okay.. I'll call her and see what's up... you just look after your sister, and if you need anything then you make sure that you straight away contact me and your dad okay?.."

"Okay... it's all good mom.." Storm said.

Lena was about to call Shanae when she saw Raheem coming out of the hotel with a smile on his face as if he was happy with himself.
"Keep smiling, you lil ass bitch, I'm gonna wipe that whole smile off your fucking face.."

She got out of the car and made her way across to the hotel. Raheem kept his head down and headed towards his car. He didn't even see her until she was standing right in front of him. "Oh sorry...
He said, and then stopped when he looked up and saw who it was. "Nana..."

"What the fuck are you playing at, I mean it's messed up at that fact that you ended up being a fed in the first place, but now you're working with someone who wants to break up your entire family, people are dying because of this bitch... Yes" she said, grabbing his face hard in her hand and making her face him. "I know you're fucking Yasmin... it was me that told your wife, because I believed that she should know..." she shook her head. "What the fuck is wrong with you boy?... what is it about that bitch that keeps you coming back for more?.. you have a wife and kids... But you're willing to throw it away for some money, hungry bitch... Because that is all she is."

"I tried my best to get Nash out at the last minute, and I'm sorry that it didn't pay off... but Yasmin loves me..."

Lena slapped her grandson around the back of his head. "Do you hear yourself, you do realise she was sleeping with your grandfather not long ago, and she is trying to get rid of everyone that is standing in her way of getting what she wants including my sister, who happens to be your auntie, and your uncle Nash... A fucking legend in this game, but because of her you took him out..."

" I've got to get to work...

"You are not going anywhere except with me... Get your ass in my car now. Or I will beat your ass on this street in front of everyone and make you look like a goddamn fool. And you're lucky I've not done that already... but only because I know you're gonna prove useful to me.."
He saw she meant business, he sighed and walked with her to her car.


The nurses freshened up Charisma. They spoke to her the whole time that they did. The truth was that the doctors were quite worried that there wasn't much brain activity going on. They were worried that Charisma would be left with brain damage, they just didn't know how severe and in which way it would affect her, they were waiting on her to wake up to begin tests.

Venice walked in, she had been by her mother's side the whole time, the others had been in, but Venice was the one who sat with her, read to her and was just there for her.
Venice felt sorry for her mom, Charisma was a good mother, a good person and she knew that she bent over backwards to try and keep their father happy.

Lani had been annoying her lately. Saying all of this was Charisma's fault to anyone who would listen. Lani wasn't happy with the fact deep down that Charisma had made the decision to divorce Keegan. It had made her a little bitter.

Venice did as she had done for the past two weeks or more and she took out a book and began reading to her.


"... as far as we've gotten right now.. Gee has Coley and Michael in the hold.. they have been there for weeks.." Jago said as Keegan had a debrief from Jago and the boys.

"Well I'm just gonna end them..." Keegan said. "No point in keeping bad shit around..." he looked at Jago and Josh. "Are you coming to the club tonight... there is some kind of celebration for me that dad and Marlon put together.. for me getting out of my shit..."

"Yeah we'll all be there... we've already been invited by Jenson..."

Keegan smiled. "Yeah, well... it feels good to be back.. I have literally been to hell and back.." he said. "Now I just need to get this business back on track.."

Josh looked at his father. "Is it really appropriate to be going out celebrating with mom where she is?.."

"Son, she was divorcing me so we aren't together anyway... and life goes on right?" Keegan said.
Josh just looked at his father, he could see that his father had absolutely no empathy and he was a hard man as it was, the new medication he was on made him more abrupt and focussed but it also had taken away his emotions, or what he had left of them. Josh just shook his head and walked away. He preferred his father to be the way he was now rather than what he was like when he was in the rehab centre, but it would take some getting used to have this hard persona around all of the time.

Keegan saw his son walk away and he realised that the way he spoke about Charisma to his son had affected him. He finished the debriefing and then he went over to find Josh to talk to him.


Venice had gone to get a drink from the cafe as she had been sat with her mother for hours. The machines started beeping, faster than usual. Charisma's fingers started to move. Her eyes flickered, and she opened them slowly.
She rolled her head to the side and in the doorway through her eyes as she tried to focus she saw Nash. He looked at her and he put his finger to his lips.
"I'm doing this for you baby girl, I can't see you go through this anymore... I'm taking you away from all of this, you're going to be with me just like I always knew we would be... I can't see him put you through this bullshit anymore, just hold in there I will be back for you.."

She blinked her eyes and he was gone as the nurses and doctors came rushing into the room. After receiving the alarm she was now awake.

Venice was walking back up the corridor and she did a double take as she saw someone she thought looked familiar disappear around the corner, and then she realised she could hear her mothers alarms and she ran dropping the coffee on the floor....

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