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" hi mom, I wondered if I could talk to you?"

"Drea, I don't really have time. I thought you and the Fed were going back home?" Yasmin said, walking back inside of her new small apartment she had bought herself to be close to her son.

Drea followed her. "Raheem said he has a job that he needs to do here, so against my better judgement, it looks like we're staying for awhile... She paused. Yasmin at this point, had her back to her daughter, because if only she could see the smirk on her mothers lips, she would know the real reason why her husband wanted to stay. "But something isn't right with him, he's distant from me...

Yasmin, sighed heavily and audibly,  bored with her daughter. "I'm sure it's nothing, you're just too emotional, you're always have been...

 "I'm sure it's nothing, you're just too emotional, you're always have been

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"But what if he is seeing someone else?." She asked her.

Oh Drea, men have needs. He is still coming home to you at night right?"She said to her daughter with a frustrated frown on her face. Drea nodded. "Then, I don't really understand what the problem is... Maybe you should try to spice up your sex life, a little and stop being so fucking boring... You've always been such a boring basic bitch...

"Mom!.." she said as her mother's words hurt her.

"Well, what else do you expect me to say I am your mother after all and of course I'm going to tell you the truth. You know you are nothing like your half brother" she said with a smile as she thought about Keegan. "He's a self-made millionaire you know... and all you do is sit on your ass at home, getting yourself pregnant so that you don't have to work. Raheem needs a real woman, someone with some life and energy... You really are the one who needs to shape up" she said pointing in her face.
" Now, if you don't mind, I really need to head out" she said and ushered her daughter out of the apartment. As Drea left with her kids in tow, Yasmin walked upstairs and into the bedroom. She smiled. "She's gone... I really do hope you're ready to get to work on charisma, I need that bitch gone"

Raheem pulled back the bed covers. "Get in this bed and show me how much you need me right now... And I will do all I can to get her ass out of your way"

Yasmin laughed And climbed astride her son-in-law. She eased herself onto his thickness and threw her head back, reaching back with her hands to his thighs, so that her back was arched, taking in every inch of him. She made him moan as he reached up and squeezed both of her breasts. "Tell me, I'm better than her, tell me how much you love this pussy" she said to him.

"Mmm Damn, you know you're better than her and you are all I'm ever thinking about" he moaned as she grind down, so he could get as deep as he could inside of her.


Charisma had found out her new address from Shelby. She pulled up in her car outside, and waited, watching the place, just a little further down out of plain sight. Charisma was contemplating her next move, she just sat there for a while, just pondering on how she should tackle this. She looked across and could see the door open and kept staring as she saw someone leaving the house. She saw a man kiss Yasmin on the doorstep, he was tucking in his clothes, and she was in a silk robe. She watched carefully, and then, as the man turned, she saw who it was. her mouth fell open. "Oh, my God!" She said to herself.

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