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".... Charisma... can you move your left hand..."

Charisma just stared at Venice as the doctors tried to gage how much she knew or could do and so far it was not much. Venice chewed her lips nervously as the rest of her siblings piled in one after the other.

"Can you try to sip this water for me?." The doctor said holding out the cup with the straw in it. He was trying to gage and test her motor skills.
Again she just stared ahead.

"Mom come on you can do this.." Thea said with tears in her eyes.

Charisma just stared blankly. The doctor looked at all of them. "We're going to need to take her for tests we won't know the full extent of any problems until we have those results..."

Just as she was about to be wheeled out in her bed. Keegan arrived with Wesley and Tian. Charisma looked at him, she stared at him and a tear fell on to her cheek. She didn't say or do anything.
"Where are you taking her?." Keegan said to the doctor.

"She just isn't responding to much right now so we need to run some tests... she will be gone for a good part of the day.. we can call you as soon as she is back.." he said and they continued on taking Charisma.

Venice blinked back her tears. " it was like she was completely vacant, what if she never comes out of this they were talking about she may not be able to feed herself or do anything for herself. She will need round-the-clock care.."

"Then we will find a suitable care place for her to go into where she can have that 24 seven care.." Keegan said.

"Why couldn't we all look after her?" Thea asked him. "we could take it in turns, I wouldn't want to pack Mom off into a care home!"

"Y'all are young and have lives to lead... do you really want that kinda ball and chain preventing you from being great?.." Keegan said to her.

"Dad!." Lamar said. "How can you talk about her like she is nothing.. this is mom we're talking about.."

"All I am saying is 24 seven care of someone is not easy." He stated.

"You should be doing it...
Everyone looked over to Venice.
"You should be looking after her every need 24 seven if she needs it... It is your fault that she is here, and in this situation, and for what... she wanted to divorce you because you couldn't stop cheating and using your illness as an excuse to get away with it..."
Everyone was quiet.
"someone has got to say it, because at the moment you're walking around like this happened to somebody else, and that you were not the one to put your hands around her throat..."

Keegan looked at Venice. "Remember who you're talking to.." he said to her. "And don't push me Venice!."

As he left the hospital Lamar looked at Venice. "What's happened to him?... even before the diagnosis, he wasn't this bad.. I don't think that I can handle him like this..."

"He has absolutely no remorse, he doesn't even care that he put her here, and that she could be like this for the rest of her life. But he gets to live his, and I guarantee you when he goes to the club tonight for his ridiculous party, he ends up fucking some other random bitch!... he just doesn't care... is this who our father really is?." Thea said to her siblings.
They were all just quiet.

"It's who he is without yo mama by his side.." Wesley said, as he had been standing by the door. "You need to remember that she is the one who holds him together... So with her like this incapacitated and not around for him right now... He's gone into shutdown mode... You should know yo father by now yo mother is everything to him... without her, he struggles, but he's trying not to show it, and the medication he is on now will make him a more abrupt and assertive person, but it doesn't mean that he doesn't have feelings, he is trying to deal with this and I will talk to him. Just don't turn yo backs on him, he needs all of you too. They both do.."


Jenson saw Lena pull in with Raheem. He came out to see them. "What is he doing here?."

"He's gonna help us, aren't you Raheem.." she said looking at him.

"Well I'll take him from here.." Jensen said, looking him up and down with disdain. " oh and by the way, I just got news that Charisma is awake... so let me handle this motherfucker and you go and see yo sister." He added.

Lena did exactly that, she wanted to be there for her sister, so she left Raheem with Jensen and Marlon and she headed off.

Jensen grabbed Raheem and shoved him inside. Raheem spotted Marlon, and he began to breathe rapidly, remembering the torture he had gone through recently with his uncle. "Wow, what a nice surprise, back to see me so soon, I must've made a lasting impression on you." Marlon said amused. "It's okay.. I will only fuck with you if you don't do, as we say" Marlon added with a smile.

"Where is she Raheem?." Jenson asked. " I have allowed that bitch to fuck with my family for long enough. If you cannot see how manipulating she is then I have no idea why or even how you became a fucking federal agent! She had yo uncle killed for no reason, because you know you stepped up the evidence. She has you cheating on yo own wife, she tried to break me and my wife apart, and she turned her son into a monster, who almost succeeded in killing his own wife... tell me why you wanna stand behind this bitch.. what do you stand to get out of it?."

"he doesn't get anything out of it...
Everyone turned and stared at the voice coming from the doorway.

"NASH!." They all said in unison.

"Yeah, it is me, I'm not a fucking ghost and don't get all mushy... Lucky for you Motherfucker" he said walking up to Raheem and standing nose to nose with him. "I happened to make good friends with the guards... There was this female guard too. We were fucking on the low.. we still are.... And all I had to do was lay the pipe and ta-da I magically swapped places with someone else on death row, my good friend Killa" he looked at his brothers. "It was the reason I didn't want any of you there as witnesses... Because I  knew it wouldn't be me sitting in that chair.." he smiled.

"What the fuck! Even, how the fuck?."Jensen said, staring at him. "We had a fucking funeral for you everyone thinks you're dead...

"Yeah I know, it was good to see how many people turned up though... I must be a likeable guy." He grinned.

"Bro... did you see how many women turned up at the back of the church for yo ass." Marlon said, and him and Nash both laughed.

"Yeah I did... half of fucking LA was there" he said. "I mean, I ran out of space in my lil black book a long time ago, so what can I say..." He then looked at Jensen. "I'm gonna allow you to handle this motherfucker because if I have to grab hold of him, I will slit his throat right here right now... But, there is someone we need to talk about, and I think you know who"

Jensen looked at Nash. "Charisma!"

Nash nodded his head. "I don't know how you can allow him to get away with what he fucking does to her... I don't care, if he's in psychopath mode right now, she's been through way too much to continue to be a pawn in his fucking games... when is enough going to be enough, when she is lying on a slab in a morgue? .... I'm taking her away, and no, I don't want to fuck her, that is not what this is about... That girl has so much potential to be a fucking boss and a queen... And he keeps trampling her all the way back to the ground... She needs building up, and I'm the one who's going to train her... and none of you are going to stop me.." he sighed. "She is going to become a fucking machine, an asset. And you know I'm the only one who can do it, but in order for me to make her the best that she can be, she has got to be away from him...


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