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Keegan had gone back to his place alone, he sat on the couch and held his head in his hands. He knew how he was coming off right now in front of his kids, but he was still in so much shock at himself, his second personality could do charisma in that way. He was also trying to come to terms with the fact that they wouldn't ever be together anymore, especially after this. No one knew the pain that he was in, he loved her with everything that he had. His mother had gotten the best of him at a time when he was not himself and very low. She took advantage of his illness, and he wanted nothing more than to make her pay for what she had done. Though it still didn't change the fact that he had almost killed charisma in the way that he did years and years before, going back on everything that he had ever told her, how much he had changed, how he would never hurt her in that way again. So that is how he knew that there was no going back this time, she would never be able to trust him and it killed him inside because she was, and always would be the love of his life.


Lena arrived at the hospital. She rushed in expecting to see Charisma but her bed was empty. "excuse me" she said to Nurse who was just outside of the room. "Where is my sister?"

"There were some complications, she needed to be taken to another facility to be looked after properly. The family are aware..." the nurse said.

Lena didn't understand. It was then at the end of the corridor she could see Venice. "What has happened?... she woke up and now she's in some other facility with complications what is going on Venice?." She asked her desperately.

It was then that Nash appeared from around the corner.
"What the fuck are you doing here?." Lena said as a reflex action in complete shock at seeing him and jumping a mile.

"Wow, it is great to see you too Lena...
Lena couldn't help herself. She fell into his arms and hugged him so tight. She was so happy to see him. "I told the others not to get mushy, so don't you get mushy either?."

"How do you do this shit? How do you manage to get yourself out of these situations... I mean, I am thankful that you are here, but I grieved for you..."

"I know, I watched you..." he said with a smile. "And trust me, it was touch and go for a while so yo tears weren't wasted... Right up to the week before I was heading for that chair... But then I realised it's not what you know, it's who you know, and it also has a lot to do with how I lay the pipe...."

Lena rolled her eyes, and Venice laughed. "Of course it does." Lena said. She then stopped after getting caught up in the fact that he was back had taken away from what she was really here for. "Where is charisma?"

"She is going away with Nash for a while aunt Lena... we all talked about it, and decided it is the best thing for her. The only person that we couldn't tell what is Lani because she is so close to Dad she would've told him straight away and we didn't want Dad to know either"

"and don't you think that Keegan is going to ask questions?.." she looked at Nash. "You can't just take her away from her family, because you love her, and you want her...

"Lena, this goes far beyond what I want... He almost killed her again... You and me, both know what this girl can do, and who she really is... She just needs the time to be able to find herself and build on her own strength... I trained you, I also helped Jensen to get where he is today. I've even been there for Keegan... I need to do this for her, she needs to be strong so that she can handle anything that he throws at her... I was more scared than anything while I was in that jail about what was happening to her... I understand that he was out of his head because of Yasmin, I have seen everything unfold... But the truth of the matter is this is who he is, and she is stuck in an endless cycle with him.."

Lena looked at Venice. "Are you sure everyone is in agreement?"

Venice nodded her head. "Everyone, except Lani... We all know that one day, if things continue on the path that they are, my dad will kill her. She needs to go away, the rest of us are going to stick to the same story, she has been moved to a quieter and more focused facility... Dad even said that he wanted that to happen, he wanted her in a care home, so he can forget about her... So now he gets his wish, only he's not allowed to see her...

"The best thing for you to do Lena is not tell any of yo own kids that I'm alive or mine... Obviously, Shanae is the only person who knows right now... and she will tell my kids in good time and explain everything to them... but I need to do this for Charisma... it's no secret that I'm in love with her... But my love means that I want to protect her and save her from a death that doesn't need to happen... This is not a ploy for me to get into her panties... This is me doing what I've always done in training people to be the best they can be in this game..." Nash said.

A smile spread over Lena's face. "I have fucking missed you, don't you ever do that to me again... You know what you mean to me, what you've always meant to me..."

Nash pulled her in and hugged her. "I know, I'm the best damn man in yo life... Even better than ugly, I know, I get it.."

"And you never stop playing" she said and kissed his cheek. "And that's what I love about you, you make the darkest of days seem brighter..." she paused. " so, where is she now?"

"I've employed some people to take care of her health needs until I can get her back on her feet... They've taken her to a place that I'm going to rent until this is over, and she is where she needs to be... I don't want any of you to worry about anything I will be keeping in touch with Jensen and Venice, but nobody else... Otherwise everyone's gonna know what the fuck is going On and the last thing I need is Keegan turning up... I do not want to put him on his ass..." he told her.

Lena trusted Nash 100 percent. She knew he would be able to get her head straight, and make her a head of the game.
She was heading in that direction anyway, but every now, and again Keegan would bring her back down to earth with a bump, and she would have to begin all over again. This way, with Nash training her and boosting her confidence and helping her grow, when she did finally return to Canada, she would be ready to take on anything, including the constant put downs and emotional beat downs from Keegan.

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