All for love

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Lena was at the airfield in LA waiting to board Jenson's jet. She wanted to get hold of her sister. As soon as she was able she rushed on to the jet. She sat down and tried to call Charisma's cell, she called her twice but she wasn't picking up. She called Jenson. "I can't get hold of her" she said not even giving him time to pick up.

"Lena she will be fine, the main threat to her right now is Yasmin, go to her place first, she needs to be stopped from getting to Keegan... there is no one in Canada right now, just keegan's men..

"And say that bitch already has got to him.. what then?" she said.

"Come on baby, you need to think straight"

"And you should have done what we promised C and watched your son" she replied angrily. "Have you contacted him since?"

"No, he won't pick up to me if I tried... Look, I love you... and I know that you've got this" he said to her.


Charisma headed upstairs, she had some things to do on her laptop. She sat on the bed and her mind turned to Keegan, she couldn't believe how easily he had signed the papers, she was expecting more out of him first especially after the conversation they had had on the phone prior to her coming.

She had to admit being free of her husband was not how she had planned things to go. But with the current situation for them she didn't see any other way

She opened her laptop but suddenly felt saddened that their lives together had come to this. She had fought hard for years to be his wife, but it just didn't work out. "All those years" she said to herself. "Now I have to try and find out who I am all over again"

She stared at her laptop, as she found she had to keep blinking as the page in front of her was blurring, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her head, and she closed her laptop. "OWW" she said gripping her head. She laid on the bed and waited for the pain to stop. As it subsided, she tried to get up and realised how weak and limp she felt. Her head rushed, she felt dizzy and as she tried to stand, she found herself falling back on to the bed, unable to move her arms and legs, she could barely lift her head it felt like a lead weight. She also suddenly felt exhausted and tired and so weak.

As she was laying there doing all that she could to stay awake, Keegan walked into the room. She rolled her head slowly to the side and tried to speak but her lips felt heavy and she was unable to move them. He held the envelope with the divorce papers in his hands. "I picked these up on my way back in" he smiled. "And baby girl, you really shouldn't leave yo keys lying around either, anyone could get in" he said shaking his head.

He walked slowly around the bed and stopped where she could see him. He then took the documents out of the envelope, and he tore the papers up into small shreds. He put them back in the envelope, and he smiled behind his make as he sat on the bed next to her. "You didn't really think that I would let you divorce me... you should know me better than that Charisma, shame on you" he tutted and shook his head. "No, see, you know how this goes, you may not want to be with me anymore... and that's fine, but you will never be with anyone" he told her. "The day you end us, is the day I end you"

She tried to move. "I wouldn't bother, I've set off an airborne paralysis sedative in here, which is why my face is covered... you won't be able to move" he got off of the bed and he picked up the tiny cannister that he had left behind from earlier. He walked into the ensuite, and he flushed it down the toilet. "In a few minutes I can take this mask off, but it is too late for you, you've inhaled enough of it to keep you out of action for hours"

He lay on the bed beside her. He touched her cheek and ran his fingers over her lips. A tear ran down her face as she lay perfectly still. She wanted to say something, but her lips wouldn't move. "Oh god you are beautiful" he said watching her. "everything about you is beautiful... I knew that when I met you all those years ago... you were made for me... JUST ME" he said his teeth gritted. "I fucked up with you, that was not my intention... because I love you, you do know that right... I need you to know that" he sighed. "But I can see that I'm losing you... I wish I never had this illness or needed those stupid drugs... my life isn't worth living without you... but I also realise that I am the main source of all yo pain..." he shook his head. "When I fucked those other girls, it didn't mean shit to me... they were just willing..."

He could see her cellphone lighting up, Lena's name was on the display, she had several missed calls. He just ignored it. He took her wedding ring out of his pocket, and he slid it slowly on her finger. He then smiled at her and took off his mask. He leaned over her and kissed her lips. "I love you... so, so much... and whatever happens to me after this, I don't care, as long as I know you are mine forever"

 and whatever happens to me after this, I don't care, as long as I know you are mine forever"

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Charisma moaned a little trying to speak, tears rolled down her face. "Ssshhh" he said and ran his fingers gently over her lips. "There is nothing left to say... I'm gonna be right here with you" he told her.

He slid his hand from her midriff to her neck, she felt his grip tighten, he then sat astride her and wrapped his other hand around her neck too. He leaned forward all of his weight and pressure on her throat. Her face reddened and her face was full of fear and fight. He squeezed tighter, her body spasmed slightly as her lungs struggled for air.

"Don't fight it" he told her. "Just go to sleep" he said to her. He leaned forward still with all of his weight on her throat, and he kissed her lips.
Charisma's eyes rolled and her mouth fell open. He squeezed so hard he felt something snap in her neck. And then there was silence. He let go of her, checked for a pulse but knew that she was gone.

He lay next to her and rested his arm across her. He stayed with her like this. He twiddled with his wedding ring that he had placed back on her finger, where he believed it belonged. "Good night baby girl... sleep well"

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