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".... How are you feeling about tomorrow?.." Charisma asked Nash
He was quiet, not his usual loud and and bolshy self. He shrugged.
Charisma gave him a hug. "you are going to be fine, this happened a long time ago the evidence they possibly have on you now is weak... and who is to say that this wasn't planted."

"I know that you're trying to make me feel better C, but it isn't gonna work... we've already had the evidence shown to us and the jury... this is an open and shut case which ends with me behind bars" he told her.

"Well, I didn't come all the way over here from Canada to see you be the defeated one after 10 days of fighting.." she told him.

"Listen, I've prepped my kids, they know to expect the worst, but if you really want to do something for me, then I'm asking you to make sure that they are good and if they need help please be the one to help them

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"Listen, I've prepped my kids, they know to expect the worst, but if you really want to do something for me, then I'm asking you to make sure that they are good and if they need help please be the one to help them. I can't trust anyone else" he expressed.

"You know I will, but it isn't going to come to that. There is no way that you are spending the rest of your life behind bars, I just can't see it happening" she said to him trying to keep his spirits lifted.

Nash was facing sentencing tomorrow, after being in front of a jury for 10 days, they were now deliberating his future. The evidence was damning, where the feds managed to get that evidence was beyond all of them. But nevertheless, they had enough to get a conviction of a life sentence.

Jenson walked up to them both with their lawyer. "Bro, you need to hear this, there has been a turn of events which none of us foresaw happening..."

The lawyer took a deep breath. "They're not just looking at a life in prison sentence for you, they believe that you need to be made an example of... the whole cartel and drugs world is way too dominating at the moment and they need to be seen to be stamping it out with huge deterrents, if you're found guilty.." he paused "you're looking at death row..

Nash felt sick, Charisma covered her mouth in shock. "Sentenced to death?...This can't be possible, is there anything that you can do... Can this not be blamed on someone trying to frame him, or self defence against the agent he killed... There needs to be something that can be done" she shook her head. "You can't seriously have him on death row and let this happen?"

Jensen looked at the floor, he then looked at his brother. "Nash you know if you are convicted tomorrow, I will fight hand, tooth and nail to get you off of death row, you know I will bro, I will not let you go out like that..."

"I did that shit for Lily!.." Nash snapped suddenly. "That thankless bitch never gave a Damn about me.. she was happy to have me there as her security, guarding her every move and fighting her every battle, yet, all she ever did, was screw me up and everything around me, including my kids, and now my life.." he shook his head, his eyes wet. " I guess the last laugh is on me, she's looking down at me now, thinking that I got my comeuppance..."

Jenson and the others were quiet as they contemplated this news.


".... Oh for Christ's sake!."
Keegan shook his head. "Which part of I don't need yo ass here, do you not understand?"

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