Chapter 194

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    Everyone burst into laughter and wheezed uncontrollably. "Oh my God, Bee, there is no limitation to your abilities!" Clementine said while laughing. In an apartment near the apartment where they were standing on, a light turned on.

    "John, why are you watching TV at ONE AM IN THE MORNING?!" A woman yelled and a boy's voice was heard. "But Mom, I'm not!" The boy said and the woman groaned. "Then who's watching TV?" The woman said and Tommy walked forward, jumped off the apartment, and landed on a balcony near the window the sound was coming from. Tommy peeked in and had to stifle another burst of laughter as he got a glance at the TV.

    "I-Is that The Lorax-?!" The woman said and Tommy watched as everyone on the rooftop burst into another round of laughter. Tommy tried his best to save his laughter until he got to the rooftop, but midway he burst into laughter and barely made it to the rooftop.

    "Oh my God, that was amazing," Phantom said, wiping a tear of laughter from his eye. Bee grinned and bowed to everyone. "Thank you, thank you!" He said, smugness practically radiating off of him. They all laughed and started patrolling.

    It was quite shocking, to see the top three heroes and the top three vigilantes joking and having fun together. One would think their differences and the law would keep them from associating with each other, talking like they didn't care about the law. While they were doing cool spins off rooftops, Ender and Phantom froze. Ender's ear twitched and he looked around with an alert expression. Phantom did the same.

    Everyone immediately knew something was wrong and froze and looked around just like Phantom and Ender. "Ender, what's wr-" Tommy started but Ender hushed him and looked down. "Listen," Phantom said and a silence fell over the group as they waited with bated breath.

    Soon, they all heard it. A girl's scream. "Let me go!" The girl screamed and Tommy looked at Phantom. They both nodded at each other and jumped off, everyone followed quickly. They quickly found out what was happening.

    Some old creep had pinned a girl to the wall in an alley while the girl cried and screamed. The man smirked and brought his lips close to the girl's while the girl cried and turned away. Tommy twirled Clementine around and Clementine glowed with anger.

    "Let her go," Blade said in a dark tone. The man turned around and looked at Blade with a scoff. "Oh yeah? What're you gonna do about it?" He said and Blade smirked. "This." He said and he twirled his fingers around an invisible object, but an object quickly materialised in his hand. The object was an intricately decorated dagger and Blade quickly threw it at the man.

    It landed on the man's shoulder, right next to his neck. The man gasped and staggered backwards while Blade scoffed at him. Ender walked towards the frightened girl. He bent down in front of her and smiled at her. The girl flinched and tried to step away from him. Ender smiled gently and his hand out to her.

    "I'm not going to hurt you. What's your name?" He asked gently, a warm smile on his face. "O-Olivia." The girl said, slowly looking back at Ender. She looked at him and gasped. "You're the person from the news!" The girl said with wide eyes.  Ender tilted his head sideways. "What do you mean?" He asked and Olivia giggled.

    "You're really cool! You and your friends do cool things!" She gushed excitedly. Ender smiled. "So breaking the law is cool?" Phantom asked from behind Ender. Olivia gasped. "Uhm, n-no?" She said uncertainly and Phantom laughed.

    "How old are you, little girl?" Phantom asked with a smile. Olivia counted on her fingers and smiled as she held her fingers out. Her response made everyone freeze.

"I'm eight!"

"If you don't stop, I'm gonna start stabbing sh!t." // A DSMP FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now