Chapter 74

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    Tommy immediately started to panic a bit. "What happened?!!?" He said. "So you know how I'm a shapeshifter, right?" Quackity said, and Tommy nodded. "Well, I've been trying to extend my skills and try to shapeshift other things, more specifically people." Quackity said, and Tommy nodded again slowly. "Well, what the frick does this have to do with the emergency?" Tommy asked. "Uhm, I think it's better if I show you..." Quackity said, then flipped the camera.

    The camera was facing Jack. Well, someone who he thought was Jack. Jack was sitting in a chair and was tied to it. He also had what he thought was blue hair on his head. His hair was styled to make it look more feminine, and he had a yellow jacket on.

    "Quackity. What. The. Frick. Did. You. Do." Tommy said as he just stared at Jack. "Well Jack volunteered to be practised on, and shapeshifting is painful so I had to tie him up in a chair." Quackity said nervously. "SHAPESHIFTING ISN'T PAINFUL, HOW ON EARTH-" Tommy said as Clementine came up behind him and watched what was going on.

    "OKAY FINE! I wanted to get back at him so I tied him up and might have made it a bit painful-" Quackity said quickly and flipped the camera around to face him. "And now I can't change him back!" Quackity said frantically, and Tommy stared at Quackity. "Are you serious? What. Are. You. Doing?!!?" Tommy said. "What do you mean? I'm trying to change him back!" Quackity said, and Tommy shook his head and groaned.

    "This would be the perfect moment to take blackmail pictures, you idiot! Seriously, have you not learned anything?" Tommy said, and Quackity let out a small "oh" and flipped the camera back to Jack. "No, I have learned things, unlike you. I already took a nice amount of blackmail pictures, but I think I should take more." Quackity said smugly, and Tommy could see Jack's eyes widen.

    Jack immediately started to struggle against the chair and that just resulted in the chair falling down sideways. Jack still didn't give up however and kept on trying to break free. Quackity just laughed. "You can't escape, Jack! The ropes are a part of you!" He said, and confusion grew in Tommy. "Wait, what?" Tommy said as Quackity quickly started to snap pictures.

    "Well, I lied about tying him up. The ropes are a part of him. They're literally attached to him, and there's a possibility that the ropes are made out of flesh." Quackity said, still taking pictures. "W-What the frick?!!?" Tommy said, and Quackity laughed a bit. "Tommy, I've got to go now, bye!" Quackity said happily and then ended the call.

    Tommy let out a sigh, then went back to work as Clementine laughed at what just happened. "Tommy, may I be of assistance in your work?" Clementine asked, and Tommy smiled and shook his head. "I don't need help right now Clem, but thanks for asking!" Tommy said as he patted them. They nodded and happily went to the bookshelf. He looked at his work and realized it was about the festival. He read it and was a bit taken aback. It was way more complicated than a normal festival.

What the actual frick was going on today?

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