Chapter 116

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    Tommy groaned as he sat up in his bed. He groggily looked outside to realise it was still dark outside, but the sunrise was sure to come soon. He yawned and got up. He looked next to his bed to see Clementine buried in the pile of clothes. He smiled and headed towards his closet.

    "Good morning, Tommy!" Clementine said cheerfully and suddenly, causing Tommy to let out a small yelp and jump a bit. "Oh it's just you Clementine. Good morning!" Tommy said as he let out a sigh of relief.

    "Two days are remaining until the festival!" Clementine said cheerfully. Tommy nodded as he chose what clothes to wear for work. "Wait, why do you sound so excited about the festival?" Tommy said as he became a bit confused.

    "Oh, well, I have never attended the festival-" Clementine said but got cut off by Tommy. "I'm sorry, you have NEVER ATTENDED THE FESTIVAL?!!?" Tommy said in disbelief, his eyes wide with shock.

    "Sadly, yes. My previous owners hung me on their wall of achievements and didn't let me attend. Some stated it was too treacherous for me. Others believed I would escape." Clementine said, and Tommy thought he could hear a bit of sadness in their voice.

    "Oh... well you are definitely coming along. Tubbo, Ranboo, and I haven't been able to go for the past two years, but Tubbo feels better so we can go this year. I'll give you a whole tour, and I'll even show you the best part! Oh, and the food is amazing, wait you can't eat food-" Tommy stopped after he realised he was rambling.

    "Oh, I am so sorry-" Tommy said, his face slightly red from embarrassment, causing Clementine to giggle. "It's fine, Tommy." Clementine said. "Well, I'm going to take a quick shower and then we're off to work, okay?" Tommy said, and Clementine rose out of the pile. "Okay!" Clementine said cheerfully, and Tommy smiled. Tommy left his room, took his work clothes with him, and entered the bathroom.

He smiled and then closed the door.


    Tommy let out a content sigh as he walked out of the bathroom, feeling clean and refreshed. He quickly leaned back in the bathroom to check if he combed his hair and was wearing his work clothes. Tommy let out a small sigh of relief once he saw that he was fine. He walked into his room and grabbed his phone to check the time.

    "We have about an hour left, Clem. Do you want to go grab a bite?" Tommy said as he pocketed his phone and looked over at Clementine. "Okay!" Clementine said happily. Tommy smiled and opened his shirt pocket. Clementine grew smaller and flew into his pocket.

    "Let's say bye to Tubbo and Ranboo and then we're leaving, okay?" Tommy said and left his room. He quietly walked to Tubbo's room and opened his door to see him sitting up on his bed and talking to Benson. Tommy saw Tubbo's eyes immediately glance at the door and Tommy walked in.

    "Good morning, I just wanted to see you before I left for work. How are you feeling?" Tommy said as he sat down on the chair by Tubbo's desk. Tubbo smiled. "I feel good! My back is just a bit sore but other than that I'm fine." Tubbo said as Benson quacked happily.

    Benson waddled out of Tubbo's hands, jumped off the bed, and started jumping by Tommy's feet. Tommy smiled and picked Benson up. "I don't get why no one else other than you, me, and Clementine like Benson. He's so cute!" Tubbo said and Tommy nodded. Tommy watched as Benson started gently poking Tommy's pocket. Tommy raised an eyebrow.

    "What's he doing?" Tubbo asked, also confused. Benson opened the pocket and started poking his beak into the pocket. A moment later, he pulled Clementine out with his beak. "Quack!" Benson said excitedly as he opened his beak. Clementine flew out and grew in size.

    "Good morning, Benson!" Clementine said happily. "Quack quack!" Benson said as he nuzzled Clementine. "Aww!" Tommy and Tubbo said in sync. Ranboo stepped into the room and looked around, confused. Then his eyes widened when he saw Benson and Clementine.

    "Seriously, Clementine?! You too?!" Ranboo said as he stared at Benson and Clementine, who stopped nuzzling Clementine and glared at Ranboo. "Uhm, you know what, Tommy, have a good day at work, I'm going to leave now, bye!" Ranboo said quickly as he almost ran out of the room. Tommy and Tubbo looked at each other.

Then they burst into laughter.

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